Friday, July 4, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Are you a winner or a loser?

Dear adsdsf,

You are receiving this email as you have subscribed to my 7
part Management e-Course. Please ensure you add my
email address to your 'allowed' list; otherwise, you
may miss out on future tips and offers.


Thank you for signing up to receive the 7 part Management
Course and bonus report.

Are you a winner or a loser?

By signing up, you are telling me you are a winner because
you want to discover new ways to improve your career and
life. Am I right?

You know what a winner would do?

They would read the 7 part Management course, make notes,
create their own action plans and ensure they put the new
tips into practise.

If you do the same they will make a big difference in
your career and life.

The winners in this world are continuously learning
and discovering. Make sure you join them and take
action, otherwise you will never reach your full

You can expect to receive short emails from me two to three
times a week. In many of these, I will direct you to brand
new posts and articles to help you become a respected
First-Class Manager earning more income and having more
freedom to enjoy life.

On other emails, I might offer you limited time specials on
products or services. My commitment to you is that I will
never offer you anything I have not personally used and
can honestly recommend. I am here to help you in your
success and the products you need for best results.

And together let's have some fun because Management
and Careers is boring without some fun. So be prepared...

Let me start by sharing a little bit about me - Andrew Rondeau.

I dropped out of college after just 1 year.


I wanted to earn money. It is as basic as that.

My first job was in days when someone filled your car with
petrol for you. None of this self-service stuff like you have
today. The car owners didn't even get out of their cars.

"Put in $10. Thanks"

"Would you like me to check the oil?" I would say.

"Yes please"

It was real customer service. I checked oil, the tyre
pressures, washed windscreens...all for $1 an hour.

I did get good tips though.

I also remember putting petrol in a diesel car once, though.

What a mistake that was!

I went on to become a Successful Manager and then onto
owning my own Management Business.

I have experienced all the turmoils of being a Manager and
having worked in Management for many years, I now have
an intimate and vast knowledge of what works, what works
outrageously well and what doesn't work at all.

Today I have my own Management Business, which offers
a variety of Services including my own Free Articles, Books,
Courses, Audios, Management Mentoring and Coaching, as
well as supporting Graduates who are looking for work.

So, how good a manager are you, today?

Quite good?


Very good?


Most people want to be First-Class but are you prepared to
be First-Class?

Most individuals are looking for solutions to be First-Class
but do you know what it takes to be First-Class?

There are no instant solutions; the only way to learn is
through experience and mistakes.

Modelling someone else's success is normally the
quickest route to become First-Class.

First-Class Managers do more, complete more, and deliver
quicker and faster. Being a First-Class Manager means, you
have to have fantastic multi tasking skills.

This report helps you improve yours


Click here: Super Productivity


Let me tell you about Garry. Garry thinks he is a First-Class
Manager because he works long, long hours and all what
he does is push loads of paper around, reads and replies
to emails and writes reports that no-one reads.

He tells everyone how busy he is, he struts around the office
with his mobile stuck to his ear aand his Blackberry in his hand.

But, let me tell you, he is not First-Class.

He has no time for his staff or work colleagues. He has
no respect because he just shuts himself away from
everyone else with his head down or talking on his


Garry is just a workaholic, terribly stressed, has no fun,
no time hobbies, no life...I'm depressing myself just
writing about Garry!

Let me tell you about Sue. I used to work for Sue and she
is a First-Class Senior Manager. She was one of the most
senior Managers in the company, accountable for thousands
of staff,
millions of dollars and she never worked more than
7 hours a day. Never. And she never missed a deadline, not

She always available for her staff and focussed on their careers.

She never missed her children's sports day, parents evenings or
nativity plays.

She was calm, in control and totally respected.


By discovering all the effective and efficient ways of

She became my mentor many years ago and we still
meet up regularly nowadays, as well.

Part one of the Management course details the first set
of skills, which First-Class Managers focus on.

Do you focus on these skills?

1. Execution
  • Take accountability and make clear decisions that gets
    things done
  • Embraces Change and sees it as an opportunity to learn
    new skills
    take on new challenges and show their boss
    how flexible they really are
  • Listens to and acts on feedback in order to deliver successfully
2. Organisation
  • Has a deep understanding of the company they work for and
    their customers
  • Communicates simply and memorably
  • Develops their network (i.e. relationships) inside and outside the company
  • Are passionate about the success of the company they work for
  • Learns, 'steals' and implements great ideas from other companies
3. Planning
  • Keeps plans, goals and priorities clear and focuses on what
    the customer wants
  • Establishes, monitors and improves customer focused Key
    Performance Indicators
  • Ensures the appropriate Management Meeting Structures
    are in place, to allow control with empowerment
The 3 sections above list the first half of my unique critical skills,
which I believe will help Managers succeed in the 21st Century.

Quite simply - these are powerful techniques.

In the next part I shall share with you the facinating second half.

Please ensure you add my email address to your 'allowed'
list; otherwise, you may miss out on future tips and offers.


You will receive part 2 of the e-Course in 2 days time.

Still to come:

Part 2: Part 2 of what First-Class Managers focus on

Part 3: How do you know how effective you are?

Part 4: A simple tool that will help you to understand
what your peers, team and Senior Management think
of your effectiveness

Part 5: A real passion of mine - Continuous Improvement

Part 6: Includes the biggest secret behind successful management

Part 7: The Power of Questions

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues and others
who may be interested.

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BN14 7SJ

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