So what did you think of parts one & two and the overview of my Unique Management Skills to be a Successful manager in the 21st Century?
How much food for thought did it give you? I would love to have your feedback; just reply back to this email. Some, most or all of the skills listed in parts one and two, may not be new to you. However how much do you practice each skill? How do you know how effective you are? We all want to be more successful, more effective, more recognised and more powerful - the BEST.
What's your view?
Why? Well by being the best you earn more, enjoy
life more and buy things you want.
I remember buying my first brand new car. I was 24
and it cost me $40,000. I paid in cash. The phone
call came from the car showroom, "You new car is
ready now, sir". I scooted over to the showroom as
fast as I could. I was excited. I was going to be the
proud owner of a brand new car.
There it was. All shiny and new! Never driven by
anyone. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't
dreaming. All my cars before had been 'right old
bangers'. Always breaking down. Dented, rust
buckets. Those times were behind me now.
I opened the new car door. The smell! I love
that new car smell, don't you? I got in. I'd made
it. I was in the big boys league now.
I drove home. People on the streets were staring
at the car, at me. It felt good.
I have had many more new cars since that day
as well. Bigger, better, more expensive, more
luxurious cars.
So do you want to be more successful, more
effective, more recognised and more powerful
- the BEST.
Then the best place to start is with a Effective Managers exude self-confidence. Can you adopt different styles in different situations? Do you know what your strengths are? How well do you know yourself?
Today, I shall share with you the tools and techniques to understand your strengths and to find out how effective you really are. Using these tools and techniques you will see your success grow.
Marcus Buckingham, co-author of the national
bestseller, First, Break All the Rules and Donald
O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International
Research & Education Centre, have created a
revolutionary program to help one identify their
talents, build them into strengths and enjoy
consistent, near-perfect performance.
At the heart of the book, Now, Discover Your
Strengths, is the Internet-based Clifton
StrengthsFinder Profile, the product of a 25-year,
multimillion-dollar effort to identify the most
prevalent human strengths.
The program introduces 34 dominant "themes",
(i.e. strengths), with thousands of possible
combinations and reveals how they can best be
translated into personal and career success. In
developing this program, Gallup has conducted
psychological profiles with over two million
individuals, to help readers learn how to focus
and perfect these themes.
So how does it work?
This book, Now, Discover Your Strengths, contains
a unique identification number that allows you
access to the Clifton StrengthsFinder Profile on the
Internet. This Web-based interview analyzes your
instinctive reactions and immediately presents you
with your five most powerful signature themes.
Once you know which of the 34 'strengths', such as
Achiever, Activator, Empathy, Futuristic, or Strategic
that you lead with, the book will show you how to
leverage them for powerful results at three levels:
for your own development, for your success as a
manager and for the success of your Organisation.
Would you love to know what your strengths are?
If so, ACT NOW, order here:
USA/Other: Discover Your Strengths
Please take a few minutes to review the book. I
truly believe in order to be a more Successful
Manager you have to exploit your strengths. Each
Managers greatest room for growth is in the areas
of their greatest strengths.
Most Managers do not know what their strengths
are. These days so many Managers concentrate
on their weaknesses and even worse their staff's.
At your last appraisal, did you spend 3 minutes on
what you did well and 57 minutes on what you could
do better, concentrating on your weaknesses?
I certainly don't with the individuals I coach. It's the
strengths we must concentrate on. I cannot recommend
the book highly enough.
Organisations and individuals will see a dramatic increase
in performance, customer satisfaction, commitment and
greater success where managers are in roles where they
are using their strengths.
So you buy the book, complete the unique Internet-based
Clifton StrengthsFinder Profile and now you know your
Are they 'Achiever', 'Communication', 'Maximiser', 'Relator'
or 'Woo'?
How effective are you?
You will be great at the strengths highlighted - how great?
Seven out of ten, eight out of ten?
I would also highly recommend Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This is one of the most used personality indicators in the psychological fields, designed to help you understand your unique personality and the way you relate to others around you. The assessment is a very reliable tool to assess personality traits. it helps you gain a greater understanding of yourself. The third area, which can help identify your
See Myers-Briggs
strengths and effectiveness, is KOLBE.
The KOLBE system gives you the tools you need to reduce stress, manage your time, increase productivity, improve communication and much more, all by discovering your instincts and being true to yourself. KOLBE helps you reach your fullest potential. See KOLBE for more information In order to improve as a Manager and become more effective you must start with a self-assessment. Using the above tools and techniques will highlight your strengths, how you relate to others and you will gain precious insights to how you manage.
I urge you to start assessing yourself and
use the above tools and techniques.
In the next part, I shall share with you the
techniques to find out how effective you really
Still to come:
Part 4: A simple tool that will help you to understand what
your peers, team and Senior Management think of your
Part 5: A real passion of mine - Continuous Improvement
Part 6: Includes the biggest secret behind successful
Part 7: The Power of Questions
Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™
P.S. If you want to be truly effective you can
Pave Your Way To The Top
FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues and
others who may be interested.
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