Saturday, July 5, 2008

Save Yourself $10,000 TODAY!

Hi Affiliate,

I hope you had the chance to look at the video I sent you
yesterday? If not here it is again...

Now for part 2 of the video

Considering the vague information online, I can understand why
many of us go for the smaller markets and never even dare to
enter the big markets. Well after watching the second video it
should be clear to how easy it is to do so.

Not long ago I contacted a search engine optimization company
see what they were charging ... I called them and then got a
follow-up email from them.


Hi Latif

It was nice talking to you.

Following is our proposal for site link building, blogs, article
writing and submission:

1) 500 one way ethical and relevant links (combination of
homepage pr3, pr4 ,pr5) for $7500.

2) 100 article promotions and 100 blogs at a discounted price of

Total project value comes out to be $10,500. At a discounted
value of 20%, project pricing comes out to be $8400.

We will need only 20% upfront i.e. $1680 to initiate. Rest of
the payments will be split 4 instalments over a period of 6

If that is agreed by you, please send us the name of the site
and we will initiate within 24-48 hours.

Thanks & Regards,
Name Withheld


I've got to be honest with you... when they said $10,000 I
started laughing... and just to be sure I asked again to
confirm. The links they were getting weren't PR3, 4 and 5. They
were sites with those page ranks, but my link would have been
hidden deep within the site and never found AND those pages
don't have any PR.

Getting 500 links as they say, can all be done by yourself AND
you will save $7,500.

The articles they were talking about were articles I create and
THEY post for $3,000. They were charging $3,000 for posting 100
of MY articles.

So alone in Google Snatch I am ultimately saving you $10,000 by
staying away from such companies. The reason why people buy
these services is because they don't have the slightest clue. I
still to this date can't get over the $10,000 they were asking

Don't fall victim of such optimization companies, grab your copy
of Google Snatch and save yourself $10,000.

Google Snatch
P.S. Tomorrow we'll look into number 1 search terms in your
market. But why wait as you should download Google Snatch and
try it risk free on my back for 56 days.


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