What are you doing differently as a result of the emails
I have been sending you?
What are your strengths according to StrengthsFinder?
What do your peers say about your effectiveness? Simply reply to this email and let me know.
So what did you think of my last email and the tool to get
feedback on your current and future effectiveness at
certain skills?
Who are you going to ask for feedback?
How many individuals are you going to ask?
I would recommend at least 6.
From the feedback create a graph as shown in the last email.
Display the graph where you will see it and be reminded
I would love to have your feedback on your results.
Today, I'd like to touch upon a real passion of mine:
Continuous Improvement.
I have worked in several companies where things take
4 or 5 times longer to complete, just because of the
bureaucracy or processes in place.
How many times have you heard:
"That's the way we do things around here"
"We've always done it that way"
"We've tried to do that before and it failed"
"That's the process we have to use"
and many other statements just like it.
I've heard it hundreds of times.
I remember once I was facilitating a session
for a company who wanted to introduce a
'staff suggestion scheme'.
A great idea.
I love facilitating either to overcome a problem
and start a new way of working.
I have introduced 'staff suggestion schemes'
before and I was looking forward to this actual
I introduced myself and started the facilitation.
The first comment was "I have never seen a
suggestion scheme work".
I was shocked, I was gob smacked. Here I was
trying to improve things and the first response
I got was basically 'you are wasting your time,
it will not work here'.
I asked the individual to leave the session.
When you are facilitating a session like that,
the last thing you need is a right negative so
and so.
We carried on and some great ideas were raised.
Another short story, I'd like to share...
One of the friends works for a large Public Sector
company. She often tells me of stories of bureaucracy
in relation to the office she works in.
As part of her administration role, she has to do a fair
amount of photocopying. Without going into detail, the
documents being photocopied are very important and
have to be completed within certain timeframes.
In order to use the photocopier each staff member has
to input a code. The code is used to charge the costs
to the correct budgets. Quite often, the photocopier
breaks down. When this happens, it is reported and
can take several weeks to be repaired.
Meanwhile, my friend is not allowed to use any other
photocopier because:
1. her code only works on her departments photocopier
2. the other departments don't let her because she would
have to enter that departments code and they will be charged
for the paper used
The impact - no photocopying of the important documents
happens. The receivers of the photocopied documents don't
receive them and they can't work and so on.
All this impact for the cost of a few pages of paper. The cost
of several individuals not working is much much higher!
Therefore, for the cost of a few pages of paper a number of
the departments in this large Public Sector company stop
How crazy is that?
My friend gets very frustrated.
The managers don't care.
Fundamentals of management is about being there
for your staff; letting them get on and do their job
well. As a manager, one should remove any of the
blockages which are stopping them provide a great
As a Successful and Effective Manager, it is your
job to instil an insatiable desire to continually
improve your own and your staff's development
and the service you provide.
You must act quickly, resolve and/or remove all
blockages and bureaucracy, no matter how small,
in order to allow your staff to be as efficient as
Challenge the process - as a Manager that is what
you are paid for.
Imagine the following 2 scenarios:
1. You are the Manager of the 'widget making'
department. Three years ago, you and your teams
target, was to produce 100 high quality widgets each
day, everyday. For the past three years the target
hasn't changed and you have met the target 99%
of the time - great job well done.
2. You are the Manager of the 'widget making'
department. Three years ago, you and your teams
target, was to produce 100 high quality widgets each
day, everyday. Over the last three years you have
established an environment whereby continuous
improvement is the norm. You and your team now
make 150 high quality 'widgets' each day, everyday.
You have reduced the cost of making each 'widget'
by 50% - fantastic job - well done.
Which Manager is more highly respected, credited,
rewarded, praised and thought of, by their boss, peers
and staff?
The Manager who is never satisfied by the status quo!
To be a Successful and Effective Manager, you must have
an insatiable desire to improve your output, your quality and
your service.
As the Manager you are accountable for establishing a
Continuous Improvement environment.
One of the biggest keys to being a high performing Manager,
is seeing possibilities of improvement where others only
see impossibilities.
Great High-Performing Managers are fantastic Problem Solvers.
They find solutions to improve where others see obstacles.
Now go and improve.
In 4 days time, I shall share with you the biggest
secret behind Successful Management.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with your ideas,
feedback or reports of your additional success.
Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™
P.S. One of the quickest ways to become successful is
to find a mentor
FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues,
and others who may be interested.
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