Monday, July 14, 2008

Get John Reese's Traffic Secrets 2.0 free?

Hey Affiliate, as you likely already know, the internet marketing world's
guru of all gurus is releasing version 2.0 of the famed Traffic Secrets course
tomorrow (Tuesday July 15th) at 12:00 noon EST.

Now, I know for a fact this course will help you succeed on the internet. If I
hadn't purchased version 1.0 of this course when it came out several years ago,
you would likely never have received a single email from me over the past 4

You see, it was Traffic Secrets 1.0 that taught me the importance of building
and email list. It's through this email newsletter that I've been able to build
strong friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. It's transformed
the way I do business on the internet.

Ok, back to the point at hand...

The subject line of this email was "Get John Reese's Traffic Secrets 2.0 free?"

Let me explain. Way back when I purchased version 1.0, I remember very
vividly being excited about getting a copy of the course, but at that time it was
VERY expensive. I believe it was roughly $1,200 give or take a hundred.

This time around, John is selling version 2.0 for nowhere near that much, but I
know, if you're like I was, parting with money is not something that's easy to do,
even if you have my, or anyone else's, word that if you do what it says, you WILL
get a huge return on your investment.

So... what I am willing to do, and I've only does this onece EVER, is give you
copies of all 3 of our best selling products, essentially making Traffic Secrets free!

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Lifetime Advanced Linkmetro membership ($240/year)

... and all you'll need to do is invest in John's Traffic Secrets 2.0 course.

These are our 3 best selling products. These products have been used successfully
by more internet marketers than any other programs ever created in the
internet marketing industry and I'm giving them to you to offset the cost of
Traffic Secrets 2.0 for you :-)

So, to summarize, here's all you need to do:

1. Go here and get Traffic Secrets 2.0:

2. Contact Nancy or Jim in the help desk and give them the following:
- receipt number for Traffic Secrets 2.0
- first and last name
- email address
- website you want upgraded to Advanced in Linkmetro

3. That's it. Nancy or Jim will send you download information for all 3 products.
Then just enjoy the course and ALL of our best selling products!

I hope this email finds you as excited as I am. I'll also be getting a copy of the
course. I did receive a PDF of what's included in the physical course, but will be
buying the full package as well.

Talk soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Grab Traffic Secrets 2.0 here and get all of our best selling products for free!

P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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