Friday, August 1, 2008

(thank you) - i'm so grateful...

Excitement is building around the release of my "Money Virtuoso"
training system.

I'm so grateful for the huge response and feedback that I've decided
to add 2 cool last-minute bonuses for Money Virtuoso. Here they are:

1. "6 Figures With Short Report" Video Series

 What this video series will teach you

     - How To Go From $0 A Day To $250 A Day Selling
    Small Niche Reports

     This step by step video series shows you exactly how to
     do just that. Nothing tricky -- just a good business model.

     - Learn Why A Good Business Model Is More Important
     Than Traffic

      This series will teach you the business model that could make
      insane amounts of instant cash from small niche reports.

      - Exactly How To Come Up With Winning Report Ideas,
      Every Time

      It's not magic, it's plain common sense. People in every niche all
      want the same formula for product creation.... it's that simple.

      - How To Get Your Short Reports Created For Almost
      Next To Nothing

      How to get everything you ever wanted created for you, unique
      content-wise, for almost nothing and sometimes, actually nothing.

     - Best Ways To Generate Instant Traffic

      While traffic is not the be all and end all of this method, you still
      need it - and it should be easy to find and low cost.

2. "Six-Figure Membership Site" Video Series

Step by little step. It shows a complete beginner how to
make six figures a year with small niche membership sites,
step by step, 9 videos in all.

You'll learn things like:

      - How to set up a membership site for under $50 (spend
      any more and you're just taking too much risk)

      - How to find all the members you could ever want using
      FREE advertising methods that work like gangbusters

      - 5-step litmus test for how to choose what markets
      to get into - this is how you know your sites will be 
      profitable ahead of time

      - How to create an empire of small niche membership sites
      in months...

      - And, most importantly... how to automate the entire process
      so you do little to none of the work.

It's hard to put a value on these bonuses. They could easily
bring in tens of thousands of dollars for you monthly. But
only if you take action and implement them.

Remember, Money Virtuoso will be released tomorrow
Saturday at Noon EST.

If you're serious about building a solid, highly profitable
internet business -- and want to be one of "the 15" that can
get their hands on Money Virtuoso system... then get ready.

Watch your inbox. I'll send you an email containing your
registration link a few minutes before Noon tomorrow.
The subject line will be: "Money Virtuoso is here..."

( If you haven't downloaded our special publication that
gives you solid proof that Money Virtuoso works -- and
goes over all the training components included in it, then
head over here to download:  )

Until tomorrow,

'Stuttering' John and Kevin Nguyen
Founders, Cracking Online Wealth Code

P.S.  There's a common trait between most successful online
and offline business owners. And that is "speed of implementation".

Here's what I want you to do: Immediately implement the principles,
strategies, and tactics laid out in Money Virtuoso as soon as you get
it. That way, you could see incredible results within days.

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