Friday, August 29, 2008

Affiliate, did you get it...

Hi Affiliate,

Did you get my email the other day about the Restaurant
Management video that you really have to watch! If you did,
great then read no further but if you didn't keep

You have less than 7 hours to watch it…

What is the video about?… well if you didn't read my
email yesterday or the day before then you will just
have to click on the blue link below to
find out WHY?

Click on the link below as you have less than 7 hours left
to see the video as this will NEVER be repeated again. If the
link does not work copy and paste it into your address bar
on your browser and press enter.

I will see you after you click on the link.

All the best

Andreas Breitfuss
Restaurant Management Center

PS. This will never be repeated again EVER… so click on
the blue link now as I have a personal video for you on the
other side.

Restaurant Management Center
Suite 200/353 King St, Newtown, NSW,2042, Australia
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

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