Hey Affiliate,
Yesterday I emailed to let you know about a cutting-edge
teleseminar on the topic of how to use Mind Control in your
It starts in less than 90 mins from now at 4:30pm EST (USA New York
To find out what time that is in your local area, see:
The live webcast will take place here:
I am very sorry if my description of this teleseminar offended some
of you. It was not my intention, and I'm really sorry about how I
worded the email as should have thought more about my wording when
I wrote it.
My intention was simply to provide details to you about a
powerful teleseminar that is taking place between Mark Ling and
Mark Joyner, where you will learn how to get the most out of your
marketing efforts by understanding how human psychology works and
how to make full use of it in your marketing.
Mark Joyner knows more about this than anyone else that I know and
he has a lot to teach all of you here in this teleseminar.
He is a lot more than just any internet m-illionaire, he actually
pioneered a lot of the marketing techniques that are in use today
by many online marketers. You'll find out more about his backstory
at the start of the interview.
I highly recommend that you tune in for this teleseminar, details
Kind Regards,
Traffic Travis Team
Email: support@traffictravis.com
Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
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