A couple of years ago several of my friends
were made redundant. Not fired - redundant.
The company they were working for was
going through a bad patch and reduced
the staff numbers accordingly.
Obviously, the individuals made redundant
were angry, concerned, worried, bitter, fearful.
Can you imagine it?
You are working at the company, busy and
doing a great job. You have been there several
years, know numerous individuals, know how
the company works and have many friends.
Than one day, you are no longer wanted!
No wonder the individuals are bitter and angry.
I am still in contact with those individuals and
every single one of them is now working, which
is just brilliant news.
They were confident in their abilities and they
stayed positive during those worrying times.
They had set-backs, no doubt. Not getting the
first job they applied for. Many had not updated
their resumes for years. Where do you start?
But they picked themselves up, dusted themselves
down and started again.
Over the years, they had invested in themselves.
They kept learning and discovering.
That is what winners do.
Investing in yourself gives you confidence in your
abilities. It might be a $20 personal development
book, it might be an audio on success, it might a
public speaking course.
In fact one friend who was made redundant said
to me recently "I would not go back for all the
money in the world and would absolutely say it
was the best thing that could have happened
to me".
WOW! Now that's a statement.
Very recently the newspaper headlines stated
that "1 in 4 employees would be in financial dire
straits if they lost their job".
So what emotional state would you be in if you
lost your job?
What would be your financial situation?
How much do you invest in yourself?
Are you investing enough?
It's a competitive world out there!
To your success,
P.S. Check Out My Recommended Resources
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