Thursday, November 6, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Extra Bonuses

Hi adsdsf,

Individually recorded interviews with

  • Dr. Richard Bandler co-originator of NLP

  • Robert Cialdini the world's leading expert
    on persuasion

  • Tony Buzan the inventor of MindMapping

  • Dominic O'Brien 7 times world memory

  • Brian Tracy one of the world leaders in
    maximising human potential

  • 20 ways to trigger creative ideas

  • advanced Negotiation tips

  • 117 ways to Sell

  • an exclusive prize draw

  • plus much, much more

If I said you could get all the above for less
than the price of 2 coffees, would you believe

Well you on...

Welcome to the world of Peter Thomson.

You may or may not have heard of Peter
Thomson but I have been one of his fans
for many years now.

He is one of the World's most successful
self-improvement creators and has sold
millions of dollars of his resources through

Every now and then a great idea or concept
comes along and smacks you in the face! 
What you do with it is up to you but to
ignore it would be wrong, especially when
it can be of great help to you in your
personal life.

I have been a subscriber of The Achievers
for some time now and its creator
Peter Thomson has now developed a
web based version which I recommend you
visit at
The Achievers Edge

What's in it for you?

Put simply Peter's introductory offer, which
includes everything I listed above, is
outstanding, an absolute wealth of
information for less than the price of
two coffees.

 If you are committed to your personal
development, want to pick up great ideas
for growing yourself and hear the thoughts
and ideas of leading business and personal
development gurus every month then this
is for you.

It's a monthly publication with no long term
contract, no hooks. And by the way the
FREE BONUSES valued at $7,500 are yours
to keep just for ordering.

Have at look at The Achievers Edge

It is a great way to gain knowledge that will
help you in your business and personal life.

Have a look, what can you lose?

To Your Success,


P.S $7,500 worth of BONUSES are yours
to keep for less than the price of 2 coffees
check out
The Achievers Edge

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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