Thursday, October 30, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, It Is Always Your Choice

Hi adsdsf,

The other day, I took a cab and had a very insightful
conversation with a most unusual cab driver.

After getting in the cab I noticed something very
different and strange. But first...

If you've ever taken a cab, then you'll know one
thing about cab drivers. They tend to
usually be grumpy.

But this driver was unusually happy.

I asked him...

"Why are you so happy? Why are you so upbeat?"

And his reply? "Oh! I don't know. I just feel this way."

I asked him, why? And he thought about it.

The driver said, "I've got a great family. A great wife
and two sons. I've got this great job. And I get to drive
around town and meet all kinds of interesting people.
What's not to be happy about?"

Now... in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "... yeah, but
you're JUST a cab driver."

I said to him, "So you love your job and everything's great?"

He said, "Yeah! I'm just grateful and happy."

Ok. Then I asked him if he's always like this? And he said
he is like this pretty much everyday.

That's one of the interesting things I've learned about

True wealth is not always about money. And yes... don't
get me wrong. Money's important. I enjoy making it. I enjoy
spending it. I enjoy investing it. I enjoy growing it. And
I enjoy giving it.

But all too often we let money dictate how we feel. And
also how we behave!

In other words, we let circumstances dictate how we feel.

As Tony Robbins said years ago, "Nothing has any meaning
except the meaning we give to it."

Look at the cab driver. He doesn't have a lot of money,
yet he's extremely happy almost ALL the time!

Isn't that interesting?

It has nothing to do with money, or circumstances. It has
everything to do with your attitude.

So what does that mean?

You can CHOOSE to feel happy at this moment. IF YOU WANT

You can choose to feel fulfilled and satisfied. You can
choose to feel energetic... IF you want to.

But many people choose to be sad. Many choose to feel
unenergetic, depressed, and unenthusiastic...

... because they CHOSE to be like that!

So remember... it's all a matter of choice.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


P.S. Have You Chosen To Be A First-Class
Manager, Yet?

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