Thursday, September 25, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Is Promotion Stressful?

Hi adsdsf,

Promotion is 'as stressful as divorce'.

Do you know someone who has been divorced?

Have you experienced divorced yourself?

I haven't experienced divorce but a close friend
of mine has.

He went through a bad time and with lots of
different emotions. I spent numerous nights with
him over a glass of beer or two, just allowing him
to talk and me listen. They were low times for him.

They were stressful times for him.

What about promotion?

Is that stressful?

It can be but not as much as divorce though,
would it?

How do you cope with stepping up from a junior
post to be the Manager?

It's a familiar story. You work hard to get that
promotion and you're excited about your new role.
Then suddenly, reality hits home: you are on your
own, unsure of what is expected of you, missing
aspects of your previous role that you had finally
mastered, without your trusted network of colleagues,
and politics rife amongst your new peer group whom
you struggle to engage with.

Yet despite the familiarity of this story, the scale of
personal change required is rarely acknowledge, let
alone adequately supported, leading to 'transition
anxiety' and personal stress.

One of the first things you should do when you are
promoted is keep your new boss happy and manage
their expectations.

Ask them:

What does your boss want from you?

What does your boss love?

What does your boss hate?

What are their interests/hobbies?

I once worked for a boss who had a reputation for
being 'hard, demanding, fearful, and unapproachable'.
The first time we met, I asked him the above questions.


- wanted me to deliver the planned projects as agreed
(i.e. budget/time/benefits)

- wanted me to keep him informed of progress

- the truth; exactly how it is

- loved projects to be jointly agreed and met

- hated surprises.

If the project dates were going to be missed, he
wanted me to let him know as soon as I knew and
especially not at the progress meeting in front of
other staff.

He also liked watching football and participated in

This Manager turned out to be one of the best
managers I have ever had the privilege of working
for. He and I built a rapport straight away. We were
open, honest and worked really well together.

If things were not going well we would sit down
and work things out. The reputation and perception
were just totally wrong.

Four simple questions ensured rapport was built and
I knew exactly how to manage my boss.

It's simple but powerful.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


Get Promoted By Answering Any Question An Interviewer
Could Possibly Throw At You - Just Click Here

FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues and
others who may be interested.

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