Tuesday, September 30, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, What Is It Like Being Poor?

Hi adsdsf,

This guy made his first million dollars
at just the age of 26! That's when most
people are still finding their feet in
their career, and most probably still
paying off their college debt.

Not this guy, he owns huge mansions,
numerous super-cars and has enough
money in his bank account to retire
right now!

So what made all the difference?

Let's call this guy, Mr X.

Mr X discovered a new mind technology
and he suddenly realized why he wasn't

getting the results he wanted in life,
AND what he needed differently to

achieve his goals in life.

So at the tender age of 26, Mr X started
three successful businesses that have a
combined turnover of $20 million, and
become a successful multi-millionaire.

Now YOU may be saying - 'Oh! He can do it,
but I can't!'

Well, the plain and simple fact is, Mr X is
a very ordinary person. In fact, he even got
kicked out of school once! But he still turned
his life around and made it big.

So the question is...

Why can't you?

To find out more about how Mr X transformed
from an un-inspiring underachiever into a
millionaire at just age 26, and how YOU
too can achieve your goals in life (no matter
what age you are or your background),
simply visit here.

To your success!


P.S. Mr X will reveal his 6 step process
which he used to make his first million
dollars and how you too can get started
on a journey of personal and lifetime

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Affiliate, I have a question for you...

Hi Affiliate

I hope that you're enjoying Traffic Travis and are making the most
of this powerful software to boost your search engine rankings and
pay per click profits.

When I find software that I love (especially when it is f-ree!) I
often like to recommend it to my friends. So I've got a question
for you:

Is there anyone you know who would benefit from using Traffic Travis?

At Traffic Travis, we rely heavily on word of mouth. The more
people who use the software and tell others about it, the more
cutting-edge features we can create!

It's win-win for everyone :)


If you tell 5 or more friends about Traffic Travis using the
special page I've set up, then we'll give you a complimentary copy
of 'Virology'. This comprehensive guide teaches you how to harness
the amazing power of viral marketing to turbo charge your business!

Normally, 'Virology' sells for $47, but we're giving it away in
return for your help spreading the word about Traffic Travis.

Just take two minutes to your time to tell 5 friends about Traffic
Travis software - and 'Virology' will be all yours!


Kind Regards,

Traffic Travis Team
Email: support@traffictravis.com

Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

weird junkie

When an Adwords junkie decided
to abandon Adwords, you can't
help but wonder why.
Have fun,
Kevin Nguyen and 'Stuttering' John
Cracking Online Wealth Code
P.S. Hint - Quick question: if you
can generate free traffic at will,
why would you want to pay for it?

Read more here...

This message was sent from Kevin and John - Cracking Online Wealth Code to cbi2@ewenchias.info. It was sent from: HL Direct Marketing, 202 Bukit Batok Street 21 #17-98, Singapore, Singapore 650202, Singapore. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. Email Marketing Software

Manage your subscription  

(GM), adsdsf, What A Waste Of Time!

Hi adsdsf,

The annual and dreaded performance review.

Do you prepare for it?

It is a waste of time?

It's your personal review...so prepare!

Click on the link above and discover how easy
it is to improve the performance review.

One tip is vital!

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues and
others who may be interested.

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

SaleHoo Newsletter: Sep. 27, 2008

Hi Affiliate

Welcome to our weekly newsletter series. This week's newsletter
takes a look into packing goods to send.

***Quick Tip for this Week***

Whatever packaging you use, make sure there is a layer of plastic
involved. You never know what weather your parcel may encounter en

Find out the best methods for packing your goods below:


Please feel free to forward this email on to any of your friends
who may be interested in receiving this information about online
auctions! Even better, they can sign up to receive the newsletters
themselves at http://www.salehoo.com/newsletters

To Your Success!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, September 26, 2008

adsdsf, Disaster!

Hi adsdsf,

I put up the page, told everyone
about it and BLAST the service
was not working!

So if you tried but failed to
watch my complementary Public
Speaking videos then I'm sorry.

Service is back up now, just click
here and watch immediately

and "Discover One Of The Most
Overlooked Sides Of Public

Thanks to all of you who have
sent me emails saying they
enjoyed the video - especially
the opening!

Your positive comments really
make it all worthwhile - thank


Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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ONLY for LinkAssistant users, special Link Building guide [Link-Assistant.Com]


that's Dan Richmond from Link-Assistant.Com. I guess you've got
LinkAssistant up and running, so now it's time to let you know some of
my SEO know-hows.

Only for LinkAssistant users, I've put together my special link
popularity tips and tricks. They are nowhere to be found on the Web,
and I GIVE THEM OUT FOR FREE, being sure that they'll help you plan
and carry out your link building campaigns with great results any site
owner wants.

Yes, I'm happy to finally share my expertise on building links *the
natural way*. Hence the title -- "Organic Link Building Revealed".
Here you go:

Call me a humbug if you like, but this is by far the smartest
link-building guide to be found. You can doubt my words, but only
until you check it yourself! And remember, I'm not giving out these
tips to everyone, so you're just one of the limited number of lucky
guys who'll know these sure-fire winning secrets.

So seize your chance, grab my link-building tips and tricks here:

Also, my new big project is a full SEO guide, covering all aspects of
website promotion, be it crawlability problems, content writing or
link-building itself. The book comes out chapter by chapter, and be sure
it's yours for free. I'll share my eight-year SEO experience with you,
and on some 200 pages you'll get all insider SEO knowledge that helps
get a website from nowhere to the Google top.

Check what I've got for you:

And I'll be happy to hear what you think of all my tips.

Kind regards,
Dan Richmond,

Contact us: http://www.link-assistant.com/support/
Visit us on the web: http://www.link-assistant.com


Link-Assistant.com, Odoevskogo 65-5, Minsk, BY 220000, BELARUS

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Is Promotion Stressful?

Hi adsdsf,

Promotion is 'as stressful as divorce'.

Do you know someone who has been divorced?

Have you experienced divorced yourself?

I haven't experienced divorce but a close friend
of mine has.

He went through a bad time and with lots of
different emotions. I spent numerous nights with
him over a glass of beer or two, just allowing him
to talk and me listen. They were low times for him.

They were stressful times for him.

What about promotion?

Is that stressful?

It can be but not as much as divorce though,
would it?

How do you cope with stepping up from a junior
post to be the Manager?

It's a familiar story. You work hard to get that
promotion and you're excited about your new role.
Then suddenly, reality hits home: you are on your
own, unsure of what is expected of you, missing
aspects of your previous role that you had finally
mastered, without your trusted network of colleagues,
and politics rife amongst your new peer group whom
you struggle to engage with.

Yet despite the familiarity of this story, the scale of
personal change required is rarely acknowledge, let
alone adequately supported, leading to 'transition
anxiety' and personal stress.

One of the first things you should do when you are
promoted is keep your new boss happy and manage
their expectations.

Ask them:

What does your boss want from you?

What does your boss love?

What does your boss hate?

What are their interests/hobbies?

I once worked for a boss who had a reputation for
being 'hard, demanding, fearful, and unapproachable'.
The first time we met, I asked him the above questions.


- wanted me to deliver the planned projects as agreed
(i.e. budget/time/benefits)

- wanted me to keep him informed of progress

- the truth; exactly how it is

- loved projects to be jointly agreed and met

- hated surprises.

If the project dates were going to be missed, he
wanted me to let him know as soon as I knew and
especially not at the progress meeting in front of
other staff.

He also liked watching football and participated in

This Manager turned out to be one of the best
managers I have ever had the privilege of working
for. He and I built a rapport straight away. We were
open, honest and worked really well together.

If things were not going well we would sit down
and work things out. The reputation and perception
were just totally wrong.

Four simple questions ensured rapport was built and
I knew exactly how to manage my boss.

It's simple but powerful.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


Get Promoted By Answering Any Question An Interviewer
Could Possibly Throw At You - Just Click Here

FEEL FREE TO SHARE this with your friends, colleagues and
others who may be interested.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Useful links for LinkAssistant SEO Tool [Link-Assistant.Com]


there's a couple of resources we'd like to recommend. They'll be helpful
as long as you're using Rank Tracker and promoting your site.

Firstly, here's an optimization guide "SEO in Practice" from our top
expert, teaching you winning SEO tricks step by step:

All these battle-tested tricks are yours totally free. And when you're
struggling for top rankings, instructions from "SEO in Practice" will
give you an unfair advantage, no matter if you're using our software
or not.

Next, we're happy to hear what you think of our tools and how we can
make them better suit your SEO needs. Moreover, our tech support team
and SEO experts are there to help you use Rank Tracker the best way.
Contact us here:

On our SEO forums, you can join a discussion of website promotion,
find answers to your questions and voice your ideas. We're also
happy to talk to you there:

We value your trust in our software and help you find an additional
way to profit from your website. How about making good cash as an
affiliate with our SEO tools? Check how you get up to $80 from each
copy of software sold!

We wish you fast and lasting success in optimizing your sites.

Our best regards,
Link-Assistant.Com team

Contact us: http://www.link-assistant.com/support/
Visit us on the Web: http://www.link-assistant.com


Link-Assistant.com, Odoevskogo 65-5, Minsk, BY 220000, BELARUS

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Download details and instructions for LinkAssistant SEO Tool [Link-Assistant.Com]


Thank you for choosing LinkAssistant SEO Tool! No doubt, that's a
winning add-on to your link building.

Please download LinkAssistant using one of the following links:

LinkAssistant for Windows:

LinkAssistant for MacOS X:

LinkAssistant for Linux:

If for some reason you are having trouble installing LinkAssistant, be
sure to read the installation instructions here:

We hope you'll enjoy LinkAssistant as much as we do when we use it for
our daily SEO tasks.

Kind regards,
and best of luck optimizing your sites,
Link-Assistant.Com team

Visit us on the web: http://www.link-assistant.com
Contact us: http://www.link-assistant.com/support/


Link-Assistant.com, Odoevskogo str., 65/5, Minsk, BY 220000, BELARUS

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adsdsf, The Fear Of Public Speaking

Hi adsdsf,

I have just created a series of
brand new videos for you, which
will instantly help with your
Public Speaking and Presenting

You can watch the first video and
grab yourself a special
complementary report titled "The
Simple Steps To Deliver A Dazzling
Presentation", right here:

Show Me The Free Videos

Be sure to watch the whole thing.

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BN14 7SJ

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Monday, September 22, 2008

SaleHoo Newsletter: Sep. 22, 2008

Hi Affiliate

Welcome to our weekly newsletter series. This week's newsletter
takes a look into shipping goods once sold and paid for.

***Top Tip for You***

Statistics show that listings with shipping costs specified are
more likely to end with a sale.

Find some more great tips this week to get maximum dollar for your


Please feel free to forward this email on to any of your friends
who may be interested in receiving this information about online
auctions! Even better, they can sign up to receive the newsletters
themselves at http://www.salehoo.com/newsletters

We hope you enjoy this newsletter and until next time best of luck
with your business!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

(GM), adsdsf, Too Good To Be True Or Is It

Hi adsdsf,

The website says:

In just 10 minutes flat
you can quickly and easily
CREATE or UPDATE your resume without spending
a lot of money. If you can click a mouse and have
access to a computer than YOU can turn your
"average" resume into an AMAZING resume
guaranteed to land you more quality job
interviews next week!

The Amazing Resume Creator is selling like hot
cakes but it is worth purchasing...

Due to all the hype I became interested in the Amazing
Resume Creator, so I purchased it and used it.

So here is my view and then you can make your
own decision.

This is what it did for me:
  • it significantly reduced my time to create and format my resume
  • it highlighted the mistakes I already had in my resume
  • it showed me the improved wording needed to maximize my resume's impact
  • it showed me how to reduce the length of my resume
  • there are numerous examples and contents to easily use

The biggest benefits for me were the time saved and
the help in maximizing my resume's impact. I must have
saved at least 4 hours by using this product.

If I work out how much I could earn in those 4 hours
saved, it easily covers the purchase price.

If you saved 4 hours, how much would that be worth to you?

It includes lifetime free upgrades and you're also subscribed
to a mailing list that continues to deliver tips and ideas to
improve your resume writing and job hunting further.

It is also worth mentioning that the product comes with
an eight-week money-back guarantee. The guarantee
helped me buy it because I knew I could send it back
if I wasn't happy.

Best regards,


P.S. So if you are just about to update your resume, get
Amazing Resume Creator
, you will be delighted.

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BN14 7SJ

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Idiot-Proof way to find Adwords keywords that WILL convert into sales...

Hey Affiliate, this lesson is one of the coolest I've written so far. This is
one of my biggest secrets in my marketing arsenal. I have a special way of finding
profitable "Adwords" keywords that can literally guarantee that I makes sales.

It's really simple, but profound... and nobody does this, period.

Check it out below:


Talk to you soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

P.S. If you missed the previous lessons, you can grab them here:
http://seoelite.com/Lesson8-th.htm (I was forced to remove lesson
8 because the website I was analyzing did not want their secrets
revealed...but don't worry, I'll teach you those secrets in later

P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, First-Classl Managers DonĂ¢€™t Hold On To Information

Hi adsdsf

I bet you know of some mangers who keep information
to themselves - am I right?

Well if you are one of them and you want to climb the
career ladder, you better change tact and start sharing.

Check out my artilce on how to benefit from sharing,
just click here.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Affiliate, have you seen this yet?

Hi Affiliate,

It's Andreas Breitfuss here from the Restaurant
Management Center and as a subscriber to my website I
wanted to let you know about some information I know will
have a great impact on your sales and profitability in your
restaurant or cafe.

A friend of mine, Michael Attias, an operator of a high
volume restaurant just outside Nashville, Tennessee, and an
expert on adding or expanding the catering for restaurants
and cafes has just published a report: "How To Tap Into
Your Restaurant's Hidden Catering Profit$".

Michael shares some very creative ways to actually use
catering to boost your sales while getting paid to
advertise your restaurant. He really knows how to bring in
a lot of catering business with a limited marketing budget.

You can claim your FR*E copy of his report by clicking on
the blue link below:


Once you get to his site place your details in his sign up
form on the home page and press the "I want access"

Catering is a great way to boost sales, utilise downtime in
your kitchen and increase profit for your restaurant or
café. It doesn't matter how big or small your operation
is you will definitely benefit from catering.

Hope you enjoy it.

All the best.

Andreas Breitfuss
Restaurant Management Center

PS. As you probably know we don't recommend other
competitors information but when Michael asked me to have a
look at the report I thought it was very in depth and
comprehensive and I thought you may be interested in it.
Click on the following link to claim your copy:

Restaurant Management Center
Suite 200/353 King St, Newtown, NSW,2042, Australia
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SaleHoo Newsletter: Sep. 17, 2008

Hi Affiliate

Welcome to our weekly newsletter series. This week's newsletter
takes a look into how you get paid once you have sold items.

***It happened to me, stop it happening to you!***

Two months ago, I got stung... badly. My mom asked me to post an
old oak dresser that she didn't have room for anymore on eBay. The
auction ended with a good price - really good actually. But the
buyer never paid. I contacted her several times, twice by email,
and once by phone. But nothing eventuated. I couldn't get hold of
her by phone, and she didn't respond to my emails. What a waste of

Sometimes there just isn't a lot you can do to prevent a non-paying
bidder. But to minimize the risk I've got a few techniques that
usually work for me! Read about them now:


Please feel free to forward this email on to any of your friends
who may be interested in receiving this information about online
auctions! Even better, they can sign up to receive the newsletters
themselves at http://www.salehoo.com/newsletters

To Your Success!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

(GM), adsdsf, Been To The Dentist Lately?

Hi adsdsf

What would you choose - a visit to the dentist
or to stand up and speak in front of 500 people?

Even those individuals who are fearful of
dentists would rather have their teeth
examined than publicly present.

Is there anything more terrifying than facing an
audience of strangers and knowing you have to
deliver an entertaining and informative speech?

OK, some people thrive on this type of challenge!

But the vast majority of us are at least a little
nervous every time we have to speak publicly.

In fact, fear of public speaking is probably one
of the most universal fears throughout all walks
of life.

Thankfully, public speaking is a fear that can
easily be overcome with a little practice and
the right approach.

You can use the tips below to improve your
public speaking skills.

1. Be prepared and practice.

The more you know what you want to say,
the better you'll get at it.

First, brainstorm the topic of your speech
and research it, if you need to. Write down
all the points you want to make and then
organize them into an outline. Fill in the details.

Once you have the essential content of your
speech written (at least in your head), transfer
your main ideas to index cards. Write the main
idea in dark ink on the front of the card, and
if you think you'll need cues, write them on
the back of the card in pencil.

Then, practice your speech out loud at least
3 to 5 times. If you can, practice it in front
of a friend or family member and ask them
for feedback and if that's not possible, at
least practice in front of a mirror.

Do it until you can talk naturally, with only a
glance at your cards. Don't ever read your
speech word for word!

2. Know your audience.

The better you know your audience, the
easier it will be to connect to them as you

When you are able to make that connection,
you'll hold their attention. And seeing that
you're doing so will increase your confidence
and comfort level, making it even easier for
you to speak well.

So, find out everything you can about the
people you'll be speaking to. Know what their
"hot topics" are, inside jokes and so on.

The more you know about what makes them
tick and what interests them, the better
speech you'll be able to give.

3. Dress the part.

When you're standing up in front of an audience,
all eyes are on you. Like it or not, your image is#
important in this situation.

So, dress to impress this particular audience.

If you know your audience well (see #2), then
you'll have an idea how to dress. For example,
you might dress in a conservative navy suit if
you're speaking to a group of bankers, but in
a more casual, fashionable outfit when the
audience consists of artists and designers.

4. Pay attention to the old KISS principle,
that is, Keep It Short and Simple.

The key is to get your points across as quickly
as possible. Don't beat around the bush or try
to impress with complex metaphors.

Stories, however, can be a powerful public
speaking tool, especially when they contain
at least a hint of humor. But again, keep them
short and on point.

Shorter messages leave the impression of a
savvy, smart speaker. They're also easier
for your audience to remember.

5. Speak clearly and at just the right tempo.

The mark of an inexperienced, uncomfortable
public speaker is someone who speaks all in a
rush, slurring words in her desire to get it over

Don't be this kind of speaker if you want to hold
your audience's attention.

On the other hand, don't speak so slowly your
audience's minds start to wander.

6. Use visual aids to illustrate your points.

Many people will understand your message more
clearly when it is more visual. What we see often
leaves a more lasting impression than what we hear.

You can use slides, photographs, PowerPoint
presentations, or even a simple whiteboard to
add visual cues to your speech.

One caution though--don't turn your back on
your audience as you use your visual aid, and
don't turn the lights on low for long periods, or
you might be surprised to look up and see they
are all sleeping!

7. Interact with your audience.

Lectures will rarely have the same impact on
an audience that an open discussion will.

Look for opportunities to involve your audience
in what you are speaking about. Ask for validation
of points you are making ("Am I right?" "Has that
ever happened to you?") or allow time for questions.

Also, make sure to establish eye contact with
your audience--and keep it--throughout your

8. Speak with sincerity and passion.

You want to leave a lasting impression with
the audience about your speech topic. So be
sure you are true to yourself and your topic
as you speak and don't be afraid to inject
passion and enthusiasm into the speech as

9. Come out from behind the podium.

You'll project confidence and a sense of
comfort when you have the courage to
let go of the podium and stand in front of
your audience with nothing to "protect" you.

As you speak, you can walk back and forth
across the stage, making eye contact with
different people.

Some speakers even walk out into the audience
to get "up close and personal."

Be respectful of people's personal space, though,
if you decide to do this. You don't want to be
perceived as threatening or overbearing.

10. Close your speech in a memorable way.

Give your audience something to think about as
you finish up your speech.

Certainly, it's a good idea to summarize your
main points one more time, but then finish up
with an inspiring story or quote, or leave them
with a thought-provoking question.

Public speaking is an essential life skill that
every person should strive to master. The
ability to speak confidently in public will serve
you in every part of your life, whether you are
sharing opinions in a small group or delivering a
planned speech in front of a group of hundreds.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


How to overcome your fear of public speaking
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Save your favorite suppliers in one place

Hi Affiliate

Get your business organized with Zeadoo!

Zeadoo is a sleek new personal homepage that allows you to store
and organize your important bookmarks online, privately share
websites with invited friends, and perform one-click searching of
your favorite sites. As a SaleHoo member, we think you'll find
Zeadoo exceptionally useful for managing all the sites you use
regularly to run your online business.

Transform your unwieldy bookmark list into neat groups of
suppliers, payment and banking sites, auction sites, important
resources, selling tools and more. Zeadoo's especially handy if
you travel a lot and need to continue working or want to check up
on your sales without the hassle of trying to remember a gazillion
websites! Because Zeadoo's all online, you can
access your personal page from any computer with internet
connection, anywhere in the world.

Zeadoo's private sharing capability also means you can now share
important suppliers and resources with your colleagues and friends,
without broadcasting your trade secrets to the world!

Zeadoo costs nothing to use, is fun and functional and it'll
quickly become your best friend online.

Get your account here: http://www.zeadoo.com

Or watch the tour video to learn more: http://www.zeadoo.com/tour

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Last chance to get 16 guru products completely free!

Hi Affiliate, I wanted to send you a quick reminder to let
you know that the offer to get completely free products from
16 of the internet's biggest gurus is ending at the end of
the day today.

You can get special products, for free, from these gurus:

- Rich Schefren
- Jeff Johnson
- Ed Dale
- Jeff Mulligan
- Yanik Silver
- Trey Smith
- Eben Pagan
- Brad Callen (woo hoo, I made the list!)
- Shawn Casey
- Mike Filsaime
- Paul Colligan
- Jeff Walker
- Howie Schwartz
- Jason Potash
- Clayton Makepeace
- Mike Koenigs

To see what all these guys want to give you, just go here:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

Basically, they're doing this as a special favor to the guys
at Stompernet.

So, rather than ONLY getting a free copy of Stomping The Search
Engines II, which is a pretty incredible bargain, you're also
going to get free products from all the guys above, just for
getting a free copy of the Stomping the Search Engines II SEO
video course. Sounds ridiculous, I know.

And as I mentioned before, all you have to do is cover the VERY
small shipping and handling cost for them to ship you the videos.

Oh, and you also get a free 1 month subscription to their monthly
magazine, which I have sitting on my desk right now. Very good
reading :-)

You basically just pay a couple bucks to get
the videos, which I can promise you are worth more than any
other SEO product you've ever paid for.

There's no better deal around, anywhere, right now.

Anyway, go there now and take a look at the amazing stuff that
they're giving away.

=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm


Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Bad News...You Are Missing Out

Hi adsdsf

Have you had the chance to download and listen
to the complimentary audio Patterns Of
Excellence Live Seminar?

Wasn't Adam inspirational?

It's a question I hear over and over from my
subscribers who want success...

"I want to be successful, but how or where
do I start?"

If there's one question about success that's
on your mind right now, it should be this -

'What do the most successful people in the
planet have all in common, that allows them
to enjoy the success they have today?'

It's plain common sense, isn't it?

All the rich and successful people in
the world must be doing or possessing
something similar that have allowed
them to achieve the success they have
in life.

Success doesn't happen by chance.

So what's the secret behind all these

The secret is that they all possess the
"Patterns Of Excellence".

And these Patterns Of Excellence could
be THE missing link between you and
the success you crave in your life.

Imagine if you already possessed all
the critical mindsets, habits, and
behavior of the top 1% of people in
the world.

With that, you could literally jump
off a plane with a parachute, land
anywhere in the world, and still be
a roaring success where ever you are.

Because you know the secret to success.

To read more about the Patterns Of
Excellence and a true story of how
it literally transformed one man from
an underachiever into a millionaire at
just 26(!), click here.

I've gone through the entire program myself.

And I extracted a couple of "golden" nuggets
from it that I can apply to myself. Very often,
that's all I am looking for from any resources.

Then the investment is worth it.

To your success!


P.S. Copy the best people in the world and
make your wildest dreams come true

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Affiliate, find high paying Adsense keywords with this technique...

Affiliate, I hope you got a lot out of the previous lesson where I showed you
a proven method of finding a starving market and then simply giving them what they
wanted, to profit Big Time.

Well, in today's lesson I'm going to show you s tep by step example of how I find
extremely profitable Google Adsense keywords. It's super easy. Check it out below...


Talk to you soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

P.S. If you missed the previous lessons, you can grab them here:
http://seoelite.com/Lesson8-th.htm (I was forced to remove lesson
8 because the website I was analyzing did not want their secrets
revealed...but don't worry, I'll teach you those secrets in later

P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077

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Friday, September 12, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, How To Deal With Difficult Customers

Hi adsdsf,

You can't shy away from dealing with customers,
especially those difficult ones.

During your career as a manager, you will have
to deal with a number of difficult customers.
Those customers who are unhappy with the
service you and your staff provide. The
'unhappy' customer will want to talk to the
person in charge - you, the manager.

So how do you deal with difficult customers?

Well this is what it takes.

Providing great customer service to a difficult
customer or client can feel like walking a
diplomatic tightrope. But if you handle a
customer's complaint the right way, you
can turn the situation around and even
turn that person into a happy, satisfied
and loyal customer. Here are some tips
to help you when faced with a difficult

Don't Take It Personally

How you handle the first contact with
a dissatisfied and unhappy customer is
critical to diffusing the situation. If a
customer or client approaches you with
an adversarial attitude, voice raised, he
isn't seeing you as an individual at that
moment - only as a representative of
your company.

Try to remain objective, and don't take
it personally. If your first reaction is to
become defensive, you're already well
on your way to losing control of the

Let him/her do most of the talking initially,
and just listen.

Try Honestly To See Things From Your
Customer's Point Of View

Show respect for your customer's opinions.

Whether he's (she's) justified or not in being
upset, it's important to put yourself in your
customer's shoes for a moment.

Use phrases like, "I can certainly understand
why you'd feel that way."

Draw on your own experiences as a
dissatisfied customer. You may have been
more diplomatic in the way you asked to
have your complaint resolved, but you
did expect to be treated with respect
and taken seriously.

If you can do this for your difficult customer,
in most cases he'll begin to calm down at this

Call Attention To A Customer's Mistake Indirectly

It's seldom a good idea to directly tell anyone
that they're wrong. Such a direct accusation
causes embarrassment, builds resentment and
hardens someone's attitude, and makes it less
likely that the person you're talking to will want
to listen to what you have to say.

If you think that your customer or client has
made a mistake, begin by using phrases like,
"Well, I thought otherwise but I might be
wrong. Let's look at this together." Being
willing to admit that you could be wrong
will make it easier for your customer to
admit that he might be wrong, too.

Even if you know for a certainty that he's
wrong, begin by using diplomacy so that
your customer can 'save face' if he's
proven wrong. If he feels humiliated,
you've probably lost any chance for
future business with him.

If You're Wrong, Admit It

If you or someone at your company has
made a mistake, admit it and apologise,
sincerely and in no uncertain terms.

If you've missed a deadline, mixed up
an order or delivered a product or
service below your usual standards,
there really is no acceptable excuse
to a customer who was depending on

If you agree that your client has a
right to be upset, you've effectively
removed any grounds for argument
and you can begin to negotiate a

When a customer complains, sometimes
what they're really saying is, "How are
you going to make this right?"

In effect, they're giving you another chance.

The customer you've truly lost is the one
who doesn't complain, but simply never

Decide If You Really Need The Business

The only way to win an argument is to
avoid it. But there will be times when,
despite your best efforts, you will have
to decide if the difficult customer's
business is worth the time and
emotional strain it costs you.

Fortunately, these situations are the exception.

Handling difficult customers can be
challenging, but it's well worth mastering
the negotiation skills required to win their

When they're satisfied with the way you
handle their complaints, they can also be
among your biggest sources of referrals.

And since customers are the lifeblood of
any business, the more you can rely on
regular customers and referrals then the
less time and money you'll have to spend
to get new business.

To Your Success,


Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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SaleHoo Newsletter: Sep. 12, 2008

Hi Affiliate

Welcome to our weekly newsletter series. This week's newsletter
takes a look into taking which payment methods is right for you.

***Important Warning***

eBay does not endorse cash or cash wire transfers as a payment
method. Because cash payments don't provide any proof of payment,
there is little or no remedy for transaction problems. eBay's
Standard Purchase Protection Program does not offer protection for
a cash payment.

Find out the best methods of payment for auctions in this weeks


Please feel free to forward this email on to any of your friends
who may be interested in receiving powerful information about how
to make money from online auctions!

Even better, they can sign up to receive the newsletters themselves
at http://www.salehoo.com/newsletters

We hope you enjoy this newsletter and until next time best of luck
with your business!

To Your Success!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

adsdsf, Last Call, 24 Hours Left To Save 50%

Hi adsdsf,

In 24 hours, the cost of the
First-Class Managers Course goes
up by 100%.

As you know, I very rarely run sales
on my products, so this is a unique

The course comes with a 60-day GUARANTEE,
and $375.00 worth of bonuses.

You can see them all, and get your hands
on the course, right here:

Become A First-Class Manager

Now go order something,


P.S. No exceptions. This offer goes in
24 hours...come back and check in 25
hours time and it will be gone.

Get it here, NOW:

Become A First-Class Manager

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

(GM) adsdsf, We Lived To Tell The Tale


Some of you have been emailing me
asking for an update on my Thailand
adventures, especially concerning
my remarks of "my wife and I were
nearly killed".

Well, luckily enough my wife and I
were not killed or even injured...but
we were scared...and guess what...it's
all on video!

Have a look...wait for 60 seconds, see
what happens...watch in amazement...
hear what my wife says at the end!

We almost jumped!

Here's the video link:

Elephant Ride Goes Wrong In Thailand


P.S. Just to celebrate my wife and I
surviving...just click here and get the
special jumbo offer...for the next 3
days only

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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(GM), adsdsf, You Just Will Not Believe This

Hi adsdsf,

Another short story, I'd like to share...

One of the friends works for a large Public Sector
company. She often tells me of stories of bureaucracy
in relation to the office she works in.

As part of her administration role, she has to do a fair
amount of photocopying. Without going into detail, the
documents being photocopied are very important and
have to be completed within certain timeframes.

In order to use the photocopier each staff member has
to input a code. The code is used to charge the costs
to the correct budgets. Quite often, the photocopier
breaks down. When this happens, it is reported and
can take several weeks to be repaired.

Meanwhile, my friend is not allowed to use any other
photocopier because:

1. her code only works on her departments photocopier
2. the other departments don't let her because she would
have to enter that departments code and they will be charged
for the paper used

The impact - no photocopying of the important documents
happens. The receivers of the photocopied documents don't
receive them and they can't work and so on.

All this impact for the cost of a few pages of paper. The cost
of several individuals not working is much, much higher!

Therefore, for the cost of a few pages of paper a number of
the departments in this large Public Sector company stop

How crazy is that?

My friend gets very frustrated.

The managers don't care.

Fundamentals of management is about being there
for your staff; letting them get on and do their job

As a manager, one should remove any of the
blockages which are stopping them provide a great

Do you remove all the blockages to allow your staff
to provide a great customer service?

You will be amazed at what you can remove and your
staff will totally respect you.

To Your Success,


Go from an 'unknown' in Management to a super
high profile one

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

(GM), adsdsf, Julie Nearly Died

Hi adsdsf,

Julie had been out of work for several months.

Her redundancy money was quickly running out
and her confidence was at an all-time low.

Julie knew she had to build up her confidence
and find a job fast, otherwise she was going to
lose her home.

Then one day Julie was surfing the net looking
for solutions to help improve her situation. She
came across the web page for the Great
Successful People Package.

The product covered many of the issues she was
facing like Job Hunting, Unshakeable Confidence,
Excelling Oneself and Being Action Orientated.

Julie needed a confidence boost, she needed a
new job, and she wanted to be action powered
again. She needed a poke and a kick to get her

The product looked ideal but she was sceptical.
Shall I purchase or not, Julie thought.

She shut her computer down and decided to sleep
on it.

She couldn't stop thinking about it. All night. One
voice in her head saying 'just get it, you won't regret
it. This could be the spark you need to get your life
back on track. There are some big world famous
names involved in the package'.

Another voice saying 'Nah, don't get it. You are just
wasting your money. You won't learn anything new'.

She woke up. It was 3am. Julie had made the decision.
She was going to get The Great Successful
People Package.

Instantly she received all the different audios,
transcripts and bonuses.

Over the next few days she listened to the audios
covering such subject as Getting Things Done,
Million-Dollar Relationships, Mindsets, Goal-Setting,
Career Planning, Rate of Change, Successful
Management Traits, Stress-free Productivity, Job
Hunting, Unshakeable Confidence, Excelling Oneself,
Managing Your Boss, Being Action Orientated, Instant
Respect, Blogging, Public Speaking and the need for

Julie made notes on the transcripts, she created action
plans, all while listening to the audios.

Julie boosted her confidence by completing the simple
exercises outlined. She took and followed the proven
5-step process to Job Hunting.

She was ready for whatever was thrown at her.

Two weeks later, she was offered her job and this is
what she said about The Great Successful People

"I just wanted to say 'thank you' as I have just been
invited to my first interview in 2 months and it must
be because of the simple ideas you shared
regarding cover letters

Julie Walker, ex-PA, Bristol, UK

Julie is now enjoying her new role. Her stresses of
having no income have disappeared and she has
joined the local cooking course. A course she
promised herself she would join once she started
a new job.

If Julie can get her career and life back on track,
you can too. Just give the Great Successful People
Package a try - it comes with a 60-day money-back

Go on, check this out, you won't regret it.

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! ™


P.S. Listen to an expert share the proven
5-step process to successful job hunting

Head Office
BN14 7SJ

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