Wednesday, June 17, 2009

free video reveals.... (hint:$$$)


I just watched a POWERFUL free 51 minute video
about something called "Micro-Continuity."

On this video, Russell Brunson reveals a POWERFUL
new system for getting a mini-membership site up
and running in less then 24 hours!

You'll have to watch it to understand why (and
how) it works so fast...

Russell revealed this system for the first time 3
months ago. Back then he sold it for $2,497 and
it sold out in just 1 minute and 47 seconds...
but now you can get your hands on this new video
showing how it works for FREE (until he pulls the
video down).

So go watch this video now - it's absolutely free
- but go fast (last time it was only online for
less than 2 minutes)

Thanks again
Kevin Nguyen

P.S. - if you do decide to optin for more info -
you'll get a chance to get his powerpoint slides
for free also - which is nice to have when you
want to take notes!





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