Friday, June 19, 2009

adsdsf, Finally, A solution for Your E-mail Overload

Hi adsdsf,
Wow! All this for the price of a book?

There is a pretty amazing book being released
on today - and it is worth over $7,000!
It's all about better managing your e-mail.  If you are
like most busy professionals today, your e-mail has
gone from a productivity Godsend to a productivity
But there is finally help.
Randy Dean, the "E-mail Sanity Expert", has just released
his new book, the national productivity sensation Taming
the E-mail Beast:  45 Key Strategies for Better Managing
Your E-mail Overload on TODAY.

Randy personally asked me to be a part of this promotion,
and I am one of the experts that has contributed to his
amazing set of bonuses from some of the leading productivity
authors, experts, and "gurus". Everyone who buys the book
today will get over $7,000 worth of personal and professional
development materials and information, that's enough info to
fill your personal and business development library for years!
To your success,

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19

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