Friday, February 27, 2009

new Clickbank site is HERE! (and kicking ass...)

This could possibly be
the most profitable
CB site in history...

And now you could be one
of the very first affiliates
to promote it.

You'll see conversion rates
on hot new sites like this
tend to be 5-6%.

At these kind of levels,
a newbie affiliate can
advertise on Google and
make a killing.


Around 6-9 months from now
I can guarantee this site
will convert worse.

Sites becomes saturated,
many people have seen it,
and it becomes... A tired old

Why am I telling you this?

Well, you're an affiliate
lucky enough to be signed up
to my list.

Which means you are literally
one of the very first affiliates
to find out about this site...

You could spend 30 minutes now
writing an article, or create
a Squidoo page...

Whack in your affiliate link,
and you could get ranked on
Google for:

"Forex Trading Robot"
"Forex System"
"Forex Trading Robot Review"

All terms, that if you get on
the first page for... Will send
tens of sales per day.

Not only that... if you already
have an email list. Now is the
absolute best time to send an
email blast...

The site is FRESH And HOT!

Anyway... I've said my piece.
I think you're crazy if you
don't take advantage of your
privelaged position...

Here's the site:

And here's the affiliate

Your Hoplink is:

best regards,
Kevin Nguyen and John Truong
Cracking Online Wealth Code





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