Thursday, February 12, 2009

adsdsf, The Lucky B

Hi adsdsf,
A few months ago Adam Wong gave 
me a draft copy of his latest book to

This was my feedback:

Here I am on a two hour train journey about
to start reading Lucky Bastard! - another
bloody Internet Marketing book.
100th thousand one! Well that's what it feels

I start to read chapter one. Adam has me
His story is awesome and cool! I
want to be him! I get to Chapter 6, after
writing pages of notes (and this is by me,
someone who has been on-line for 2 years
and thought I knew everything!).

I want to read more but my train journey is
about to end. "Train, please break down",
so I can just sit here and read the rest
of this amazing book.
I don't want the
train journey to end.

I've been on-line for 2 years now. I've
purchased numerous Internet Marketing
books and courses by world famous Internet
Marketers - costing me $thousands by
they way. Not one has mentioned Adam's
simple and easy way to finding a profitable
market niche. Not one!

I now have two new free tools to use to boost
my internet income even higher. Lucky Bastard!
is not just theory, Adam details the tools to use
with example sites to explore. He is not just
a lucky bastard, he is a clever Internet
Marketer and you should stand up and

I know Internet Marketers who charge
$2,000 a month to tell you the same stuff
what Adam has included in his book, Lucky

If you want to read a little more and grab the
first chapter for free just click here:
To your success,


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