Friday, February 27, 2009

Last chance to get any of our products free (SEO Elite, Keyword Elite, and more!)

Hey Affiliate, I have a couple very important things to tell you.

First of all, if you already signed up for your free PPC DVD, and have submitted
a support ticket letting us know which of our products you would like for free,
please know that we will be assisting you as fast as we can.

Since Tuesday, there are now over 4,000 people that have submitted a support
ticket requesting a free copy of 2 of the products listed at the bottom of this
email. We're working to respond to the tickets as fast as we can. It takes us
about 5 minutes to set up 1 customer.

With 4,000 tickets submitted, that is quite a bit of time it takes to set up the
bonuses for everyone. If we have not replied to your ticket, please be patient, as
we will definitely get to it in the order it was received.

Ok, now that that's out of the way, I want to let you know that if you've not
claimed your free PPC (Adwords) DVD, you can do so here:


... you must do so today in order to receive any 2 of our products free.

As I mentioned in my previous email, I obviously can't keep this crazy bonus
open forever. Today at midnight EST is the deadline.

And here's even better news... If you've not gotten your free DVD yet, today at
12:00 noon EST, they're adding even more value to their DVD offer.

You'll also get an absolute TON of other marketing products along with the
free DVD, if you get the DVD anytime after 12:00 noon EST. I won't list all
of the new free bonus material that comes with the DVD in this email, so
just visit the site and you'll be able to see what else you'll get for free.

They're adding the list of things today after noon EST.


Again, here are the products I'm personally going to be giving you for free if
you visit the site and claim your DVD today.

You can have any 2 of the products below:

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Directory Submitter Platinum ($97)
4. Article Submitter Platinum ($97)
5. Article Spinner ($67)
6. Search Marketing Elite lifetime membership ($300/year)
7. Press Release Fire ($19.95)
8. Elite Sessions recordings ($97)

Just follow these simple steps to get your choice of any 2 of the
products above free:

Step 1: Go here and order your free DVD teaching pay per click
marketing. After you order, continue to step 2 below.


Step 2: Submit a support ticket below and include your name, email address,
receipt number from the DVD, and which 2 products you would like us
to give you. You must include all 4 things so we can set up your
download links asap.

Charlie, Nancy, or Jim from the help desk will then respond to your
ticket with download information for the 2 products you chose.

Obviously, the value of these bonuses is extremely high. These are
products that over 50,000 people have paid regular price for.

I want to make absolutely sure you don't pass up on this free
"pay per click" DVD, so that's why I'm including this ridiculous

Step 3: That's it!

Be sure to go there after 12:00 noon EST today to get your free DVD through
this link:


... to get your 2 free copies of any of our products listed above.

I know alot of people will be hitting that website today, so the
DVDs will not be in stock for long.

Good luck!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

new Clickbank site is HERE! (and kicking ass...)

This could possibly be
the most profitable
CB site in history...

And now you could be one
of the very first affiliates
to promote it.

You'll see conversion rates
on hot new sites like this
tend to be 5-6%.

At these kind of levels,
a newbie affiliate can
advertise on Google and
make a killing.


Around 6-9 months from now
I can guarantee this site
will convert worse.

Sites becomes saturated,
many people have seen it,
and it becomes... A tired old

Why am I telling you this?

Well, you're an affiliate
lucky enough to be signed up
to my list.

Which means you are literally
one of the very first affiliates
to find out about this site...

You could spend 30 minutes now
writing an article, or create
a Squidoo page...

Whack in your affiliate link,
and you could get ranked on
Google for:

"Forex Trading Robot"
"Forex System"
"Forex Trading Robot Review"

All terms, that if you get on
the first page for... Will send
tens of sales per day.

Not only that... if you already
have an email list. Now is the
absolute best time to send an
email blast...

The site is FRESH And HOT!

Anyway... I've said my piece.
I think you're crazy if you
don't take advantage of your
privelaged position...

Here's the site:

And here's the affiliate

Your Hoplink is:

best regards,
Kevin Nguyen and John Truong
Cracking Online Wealth Code





This message was sent by: HL Direct Marketing, 202 Bukit Batok Street 21 #17-98, Singapore, Singapore 650202, Singapore

Powered by iContact:

Manage your subscription:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

adsdsf, time management training...

Hi adsdsf,

Rodger Constands, one of the world's leading
Time Management Experts has just launched
his new on-line program at a special reduced
for this and next week only.

So, if you are interested in getting things done
and improving your time management skills, I
recommend you check it out and click on this
Effective Time Management

Here are the five most frequently asked questions
about the program.


1) After completing this training, what should I
have learned?


Effective Time Management is designed to teach you
step-by-step how to take control of your time so
you can get things done and squeeze the most fun,
enjoyment and value out of each day.

From determining & understanding your current time
management habits and practices, learning how to
create an effective to-do list, prioritizing so
you can focus on what matters most to you, and
creating daily and weekly plans, you'll discover
everything you need to become a much better time
Here are some of the secrets you'll learn...

==> A critical mistake that can literally destroy
your productivity (Fixing it can give you several
extra HOURS of productive time each week)

==> One thing that you MUST change if you want to
be more productive (If you don't do this, you'll
drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why
techniques that work for most people just don't
seem to work for you)

==> Six simple but very powerful questions that
you can ask yourself every day to AUTOMATICALLY
increase your focus and productivity

==> How to create an effective to-do list that
really works (And how to prevent it from becoming
totally overwhelming)

==> A common mistake in most people's to-do lists
that almost forces you to procrastinate on your
important projects (The best part is you can fix
it with one simple change to the way you organize
your to-dos)

==> The deadly mistake too many people make while
deciding what to do next that all but guarantees
they'll end up wasting their time on low priority
busywork (If you only learn ONE thing in this
program, make sure it's this.)

==> Why a "time log" is one of the most powerful
time management improvement tools and how to start
keeping one for yourself

==> Keep an effective to-do list that doesn't just
keep getting longer and more overwhelming

==> Truly prioritize your projects and tasks so
that they get done on time without waiting until
the last minute

==> 5 simple rules to help you identify which
projects and tasks will give you the greatest
payoffs... and which ones will just waste of your
time (this is a prioritization secret that
highly-productive people swear by)

==> A proven 4-step process to help you find your
highest value activities -- the ones that can make
the MOST difference in your results... and how to
make sure that you focus on them every single week
no matter how much "busywork" comes your way

==> A powerful psychological tactic that almost
forces you to maintain your focus as you work so
you can get twice as much done

==> Why taking strategic breaks throughout the day
can dramatically increase your focus, energy and
productivity (I'll show you exactly how often you
need to take them to get the best results)

==> A simple change to your daily work routine
that can help you accomplish more in a few hours
than you used to accomplish in an entire day

==> How to get into the "productivity zone" so you
can focus on your most important work without
interruptions or distractions

2) What's different about this time management
training program?



This program includes an eBook in PDF format that
you can download, read on your screen or print out
for later. This eBook teaches you the main
principles, strategies and techniques for
effective time management.

The program also includes 5 "quick-start" videos
that give you a great overview of the material,
plus action exercises, assessments, assignments,
templates, forms and other resources that go
beyond what a traditional eBook provides. These
additional learning tools help you internalize the
knowledge and put it to use.

In addition, most time management eBooks, CDs,
seminars and DVDs miss an essential ingredient...
your mindset, or how you think about time
management and productivity.

Effective Time Management integrates all the "how
to" knowledge and skills you need to manage your
time well with conditioning and visualization
tools that help you think about time management
more effectively.

The result is a powerful combination that takes
your productivity to a whole new level.


3) How long should it take me to complete this



Because this is a self-paced program and everyone
has a different learning curve, it really depends
on each person.

While one person may breeze through it and get
done in two weeks, it may take others a bit longer
to absorb the material and start putting it to

I recommend taking 6 weeks with a weekly time
investment of about 2 hours for study and action

I would advise you to start with small steps, see
how that works for you, and then increase the time
gradually as you become more familiar with the
materials and exercises.

The main thing is to avoid rushing yourself and
follow a pace that feels comfortable to you...
you'll have a great time learning how to become
more productive and managing your time better.

But if you are really excited and want to finish
the whole program over a weekend, go ahead and
have fun with it. Just don't drain yourself

And I recommend making a 90-day commitment to
follow through and make sure that all the material
sinks in and you are putting it into practice.

If you want to learn more about the training
program, visit:

Effective Time Management


4) Is there a money-back guarantee on this



Yes, absolutely. If you're not happy with the
training program, you have a full money-back
guarantee to protect your investment.

Here's how it works. Simply sign up for the
program, watch the videos, read the eBook, listen
to the audios, do the exercises and put the ideas
and strategies to the test for 90 days.

If you find that you're not managing your time
better, you're not getting more value out of each
day, and you haven't significantly increased your
productivity, just let me know within 90 days of
your purchase.

I'll be happy to give you a prompt and courteous

If the program doesn't work for you, then I don't
want your money. It's as simple as that.

Go through my Effective Time Management program in
the privacy of your home and put the ideas to the

Then decide whether your investment was worth it.

Sounds fair?

If you think you're ready to buy the program, you
can order by visiting

5) Is this program for beginners or experienced
time managers?


This program is best suited for beginners and
intermediate time managers who want to learn
effective time management skills. It goes over all
the basics and provide lots of action exercises to
help you get started.

The program is comprehensive enough that even
seasoned time managers will find some useful
content and exercises.

However, if you are already highly productive,
have a time management system that you are happy
with, and get things done consistently, then this
program is probably not right for you and you'll
probably want to wait for some of our more
advanced trainings.

You can read all the details about the program
Effective Time Management

I hope I answered some of the questions you may
have had about the program.

To your success,

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
WARNING! Do NOT remove yourself from
this list unless you no longer want to
receive updates about 'self-help'
(You'll miss out on a lot!)

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

New Clickbank Site Has Made Me $200k Overnight...

On February 17, I sent an email to my list...
promoting my new site.

You won't believe the results.

I was expecting $15 - $20k of sales, as per usual.

Not Even Close!

I've made...

Over 200k in one day!

The site is ALREADY on Clickbank Page 1 in both
Marketing/Ads and Money/Employment category.

(If you look carefully, you'll find out what it is)

The bad news is...

I've decided to wait another 24 hours, before I show
it to you

Why? Because right now we're building an affiliate page
choked full with banners, video promos, emails...
EVERYTHING you need to make m.oney promoting this site.

Anyway, I've just posted a screenshot of the site's
Clickbank account here:

In fact... The $197 upsell, is converting at 55%.
And the 2nd $97 upsell is converting at 30%.

It's that good!

(You get 50% on ALL sales: $197 front-end and $197
1st upsell and $97 2nd upsell).

Some customers, are buying the front-end product
then upsell 1, then upsell 2... spending $500 at

(And you'll get $250 out of that $500)

Be the first affiliates to write articles, PPC Ads,
build your blogs and squidoo lens.

HINT: The site is in the forex niche.

I'll be opening the gates for promotion... at Noon

best regards,
Kevin Nguyen and John Truong
Cracking Online Wealth Code

P.S. Remember, this account only shows 50% of my sales...
since it is the publisher account (50%

P.P.S. With these upsells, this IS the most profitable
Clickbank site that I know of.





This message was sent by: HL Direct Marketing, 202 Bukit Batok Street 21 #17-98, Singapore, Singapore 650202, Singapore

Powered by iContact:

Manage your subscription:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is this too good to be true?

Is this too good to be true?

Hi Affiliate,

Yesterday I sent you an email telling you all about how PPC
Classroom have released a f-ree DVD, and they are also giving away
full members access to PPC Classroom as a bonus.

At first when I was told about this, I thought to myself,
"ok, what's the catch?", "what's in it for them?" and thought
to myself, "this has to be too good to be true".

***Behind the scenes info to follow***

So I talked to Anik and Amit from PPC Classroom and found out
that of course there is a catch.

PPC Classroom is a business and they wouldn't give away 100s of
these DVDs unless they thought they would benefit from this
giveaway as much as their customers would (ie they expect this to
be a win-win scenario).

Anik and Amit are offering this DVD + PPC Classroom for fr-ee
because they want to "ethically bribe" you into trying their stuff.

They are so confident that once you try their amazing strategies
for yourself online and start making great m-oney by following their
methods, you won't help but be convinced that it is a good idea to
try out their other products and services, such as their VIP
program and their private coaching.

Some of their best members are making as much as 900 per day now.
Many have quit their day jobs. So it's not hard to understand why
they want to get you into their system.

As you can see, they've created a win-win situation here. They give
away a dvd + members access to their normally paid product - PPC
Classroom 2.0. And you learn lots and if you wish to later on, you
might decide to upgrade to their other programs.

It's a genius marketing strategy, and one that you may wish to
replicate someday in your business yourself. I'm sure it'd work
well in lots of niches.

So, incase you missed it yesterday, here's your link again to claim
your F-REE PPC DVD + PPC Classroom Membership + $3329 Bonus Pack
(all you need to pay is the shipping costs):





Kind Regards,

Traffic Travis Team

PS: Become a fan of Traffic Travis on Facebook:

Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The site is open! Get a free copy of SEO Elite, Keyword Elite and others now...

Hey Affiliate, here's your friendly reminder...

The site is now open and you can follow the steps below to get a
free copy of any of the products below that we normally sell
for hundreds of dollars:

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Directory Submitter Platinum ($97)
4. Article Submitter Platinum ($97)
5. Article Spinner ($67)
6. Search Marketing Elite lifetime membership ($300/year)
7. Press Release Fire ($19.95)
8. Elite Sessions recordings ($97)

Just follow these simple steps to get your choice of any 2 of the
products above free:

Step 1: Go here and order your free DVD teaching pay per click
marketing. After you order, continue to step 2 below.


Step 2: Submit a support ticket below and include your name, email address,
receipt number from the DVD, and which 2 products you would like us
to give you. You must include all 4 things so we can set up your
download links asap.

Charlie, Nancy, or Jim from the help desk will then respond to your
ticket with download information for the 2 products you chose.

Obviously, the value of these bonuses is extremely high. These are
products that over 50,000 people have paid regular price for.

I want to make absolutely sure you don't pass up on this free
"pay per click" DVD, so that's why I'm including this ridiculous

Step 3: That's it!

Be sure to go there right now to get your free DVD through this link:


... to get your 2 free copies of any of our products listed above.

I know alot of people will be hitting that website today, so the
DVDs will not be in stock for long.

Also, I can only give away our own products as a bonus for a few days,
as I obviously can't afford to give them away forever.

Good luck!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Urgent: PPC Classroom 2.0 is F-ree, plus $3329 bonus package

Urgent: PPC Classroom 2.0 is F-ree, plus $3329 bonus package

Hey Affiliate,

I've seen a lot of product launches go on in the internet marketing
world these last few months. Some good, others I've decided to avoid.

The one that I'm about to tell you about launched at 12pm EST today
and has shocked me and I'm sure will delight you.

Amit Mehta and Anik Singal from PPC Classroom have decided to give
away a limited number of copies of a F-REE DVD which covers 75
minutes of non-stop content as Amit reveals exactly how to run a
2.4 million dollar a year pay per click business.

All you have to do is pay for the shipping, which is about 10 bucks.

PLUS they dropped a bombshell by announcing that for a limited time
anyone who claims their f-ree DVD will receive complimentary
membership to PPC Classroom 2.0.

And what's more, Mark Ling from Affilorama has arranged a further
$3329 bonus package for you. Read on for information about the
DVD, PPC Classroom 2.0 and all the super bonuses:





Kind Regards,

Traffic Travis Team

PS: Become a fan of Traffic Travis on Facebook:

Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Urgent reminder: Today at noon EST you can get all our products free!

Affiliate, I sent you an email yesterday about how you could
get a free copy of any of our best selling software programs or
courses for free.

Pick any 2 of the products below and then follow the steps at the
end of this email to claim your products.

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Directory Submitter Platinum ($97)
4. Article Submitter Platinum ($97)
5. Article Spinner ($67)
6. Search Marketing Elite lifetime membership ($300/year)
7. Press Release Fire ($19.95)
8. Elite Sessions recordings ($97)

Here's how to get any 2 of the products above, free...

As I mentioned yesterday, Anik and super underground PPC
wiz kid, Amit Mehta, will be releasing a free DVD on how to
make money with pay per click (i.e. Google Adwords).

All that's required to get the DVD is to cover their shipping and
handling costs. It's a full 75 minutes in length and professionally
recorded and produced. Very good stuff considering the price tag.

Now, when you get the free marketing DVD, you'll also get a full
month's access, for free, to their PPC Classroom membership site.
So, be sure to log into the membership immediately after you get
the free DVD. Reason-being is because last year, their PPC
Classroom members earned over 4 million dollars in total!

So, make sure you get some of that. Apparently the system works :-)

Anyway, just to make sure you don't pass up what is already an
incredible resource by itself, I'm giving you any 2 of our best selling
products listed at the top of this email. No catches. Just get the
DVD, then follow the steps below and we'll give you your choice of
any 2 of our products.

Here are steps to claim your free copy of any 2 of our best
selling products:

1. Today (Tuesday the 24th) at 12:00 noon EST, Go to:


... and tell them where to mail your free DVD.

NOTE: If you're in a different timezone (i.e. not from the US) the
offer is still open after 12:00 noon EST. 12:00 is when their website
goes live. As with any physical product, it could go out of stock...

So, just to be completely safe, try to get there right when it opens.
I know ALOT of people are going to be hitting the site at that time.

2. Submit a support ticket here and include your name, email address,
receipt number from the DVD, and which 2 products you would like us
to give you. You must include all 4 things so we can set up your
download links.

Charlie, Nancy, or Jim from the help desk will then respond to your
ticket with download information for the 2 products you chose.

3. That's it :-)

Again, with that said, I obviously can't afford to give away all of
our products forever, so I'm putting a deadline on this offer.

More than likely it will be 48 hours from the time you receive this
email. To be safe, go ahead and get the pay per click (adwords) DVD
as soon as you get this email to ensure you get in on this offer.

Again, here's the link to get your free DVD and claim any 2 of our
best selling internet marketing products free:


Enjoy, and I'll talk to you soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Again, If you're in a different timezone (i.e. not from the US) the
offer is still open after 12:00 noon EST. 12:00 is when their website
goes live. As with any physical product, it could go out of stock...

So, just to be completely safe, try to get there right when it opens.
I know ALOT of people are going to be hitting the site at that time.


Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

adsdsf, Like coffee?

Hi adsdsf,
If you like coffee...what does your
coffee shop do to make you keep
going back time and time again...
Here's my view:
All the best,

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
WARNING! Do NOT remove yourself from
this list unless you no longer want to
receive updates about 'self-help'
(You'll miss out on a lot!)

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Time sensitive: Get any 2 of our products for free

Hey Affiliate, well, it's Monday morning. Hopefully you had
a nice weekend and are refreshed and energized for yet another week
of work.

I have some exciting news to share with you this morning, that
should brighten your day considerably.

How would you like a free copy of any 2 of our best selling
products below? We have quite a few products that are being used
successfully by thousands and thousands of internet marketers.

... and you could get a free copy of any one of these:

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Directory Submitter Platinum ($97)
4. Article Submitter Platinum ($97)
5. Article Spinner ($67)
6. Search Marketing Elite lifetime membership ($300/year)
7. Press Release Fire ($19.95)
8. Elite Sessions recordings ($97)

Here's the "catch", if you want to call it that.

Tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 24th) at 12:00pm noon EST, Anik Singal is
releasing a "free" 75 minute, pay per click marketing DVD. It's
been professionally edited and is very very high quality material.

I'm sure you know, but pay per click marketing is essentially
Google Adwords. So, in this DVD, Anik and super underground PPC
wiz kid, Amit Mehta, will be teaching about ways to earn cash with
ppc advertising... mainly Google Adwords.

Along with the dvd, you'll also get free access to an entire month
of their widely talked about membership site that's been closed and
not open to the public for well over a year now.

Alright, so the catch to this is in order to get any 2 of our
products above, you have to pay the measly few bucks for shipping
and handling to have them ship you the DVD.

Yeah, I know, paying a couple bucks for a 75 minute DVD, and getting
hundreds of dollars of free products from us is pretty rough :-)

Take a look at the current prices of each of our products above
and you'll see this is a no brainer, and I guess isn't really a
catch at all. Don't pass this up, because you likely won't see
anyone else giving such a valuable offer.

Those aren't some fake values given to our products. They're the
actual price that visitors are paying right now for each of those

Alright, now, in order to claim your free copies, here's the simple
steps you'll need to follow:

1. Tomorrow (Tuesday the 24th) at 12:00 noon EST, Go to:


... and tell them where to mail your free DVD.
(If you go there now, you'll see a promotional video with
testimonials from current members. It's actually pretty inspiring)

2. Submit a support ticket here and include your name, email address,
receipt number from the DVD, and which 2 products you would like us
to give you. You must include all 4 things so we can set up your
download links.

Charlie, Nancy, or Jim from the help desk will then respond to your
ticket with download information for the 2 products you chose.

3. That's it :-)

With that said, I obviously can't afford to give away all of our
products forever, so I'm putting a deadline on this offer.

I haven't yet decided how long I'll leave it open, but to be safe,
just make sure you visit this link at 12:00 noon EST tomorrow
(Tuesday, Feb. 24th) and get the dvd, and then submit a support
ticket to us as listed above.


Alrighty, that's it for now. I hope this has helped make your week
just a little brighter! :-)

I'll talk to you very soon

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. To get a free copy of any 2 of our best selling products, be
sure to visit this link and claim your free DVD tomorrow at
12:00 noon EST (February 24th)

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Recording of the ppc teleseminar is ready

Hey Affiliate,

The teleseminar that Mark Ling recorded with Amit a couple of
days ago was killer! He revealed great insights and strategies
to how he built up his 2.4 mil a year pay per click business.

If you want to listen to the recording of the teleseminar, you
can do so right here:

I highly recommend you take a listen.







Kind Regards,

Traffic Travis Team

PS: Become a fan of Traffic Travis on Facebook:

Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

adsdsf, Just Smile...

Hi adsdsf,

When your...
tells you that you
ever be super successful, what do you do?

When they say that your idea is
and idiotic...
...what do you think?

When they say that everything that costs
money on the Internet is a SCAM, if it
wasn't, it would be free...

...What do you say?
Here's what I do...

I just smile politely...

Because both they and their words are
POISON to my personal success.

Becoming really successful is entirely possible...

...and you and I KNOW THIS for a FACT
because just look at all the successful people
there are in the world.

And if THEY can be successful, so can YOU and I.

Let me say that again...



Because the ONLY difference between the
successful people who have "Made it" and
those who haven't "Made it", is that those who
MADE IT took serious ACTION.

This is the
ONLY Difference!
Take total, complete, full steam ahead ACTION.

Now, certainly there are MANY ways to
become successful. I know I have tried
many ways and made many, many mistakes.

And making mistakes just gets you down, doesn't it?
So that had to change for me and I took a MASSIVE
SHORTCUT to my success by learning from others
who are already successful. Don't make the same
mistakes as them - that's what I say and did!

So when those naysayers tell you why you will never,
ever be successful, especially in this world crises

...just politely smile.

Do NOT tell them about the Great Successful People Package.

Let it be a complete SECRET that you are quickly and quietly
becoming successful with the  help and guidance of
already world famous successful people.

Let it be a complete SECRET to your friends and family that you
have learnt from the likes of:

Allan Leighton (Worlds top businessman)
Cameron Johnson (millionaire at 16!)
Christine Comaford-Lynch (worked with Bill Clinton)

John Kotter (worlds leader on change and leadership)
Leon Ho (owner of the 40th most popular blog in the world)
Steve Denning (the Public Speaking expert)

Ken Blanchard (One-Minute Manager author)

Marcus Buckingham (worlds fastest guru)
Steven R Covey (no need to introduce Steven!)
Plus many, many more.
And today is the last day you can get this superb package
at half-off...
Click on the link below and in under 5 minutes
(no waiting for weeks for it to arrive in the post), you
will have the complete package and have access to
the innermost secrets of 16 super-successful individuals.
And remember you are not risking a have a
full 60 days to check out the whole package and if you
don't like, get a full no questions asked refund.
To your success,
 P.S.  "When people warn me against doing something
once my mind is made up, I grow increasingly determined
to try it."
--Richard Branson

Sound advice from one of the richest self-made businessmen
in the world...

...Who, by the way, is a naysayer to NOTHING...

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

SaleHoo Newsletter - Feb. 19, 2009

Hi Affiliate

Is Bonanzle the most exciting eBay alternative yet? That's the
question we asked ourselves this week and we were thrilled by what
we found. Did you know that if I sold at shirt for $30 Buy it Now
on eBay, I'd end up paying $3.95 in fees? But if I sold that same
shirt for $30 on Bonanzle I'd pay just $1 in fees. That's a pretty
significant saving! Continue reading about the Bonanzle buzz on the
SaleHoo blog:

In other SaleHoo news this week:

* Not to be missed if you're thinking of opening your own store! We
reviewed four seriously good ecommerce solutions and gave them our
brutally honest rating.

* Designer sunglasses are a very profitable item to sell online and
for members in the northern hemisphere, now is the time to start
thinking about stocking up for summer. It's also a good excuse to
stay abreast of celebrity gossip and see what eye candy everyone's
wearing this season!

* What's happening to the Antiques and Collectibles market? Once
one of eBay's most thriving communities, these buyers and sellers
are on the move. Find out how eBay have systematically alienated
this market here:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these issues, so please head over
to the blog now to add your comments :)

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager
SaleHoo Group Limited

PS: Become a fan of SaleHoo on Facebook:

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tonights's PPC Teleseminar

Tonights's PPC Teleseminar

Hey Affiliate,

This is just a quick reminder that Mark Ling will be recording a
cutting edge teleseminar interview with Amit Mehta where he will
reveal his killer strategies for making over 2 mil a year from pay
per click.

It is at 9pm EST (New York Time), tonight, Wednesday 18 February at:

I've created this link here to see what time that is in your own
local timezone:

Just to let you know, the last time Mark interviewed Amit it was
killer and this time he'll be grilling him for even more secrets.

***** Great ppc report below *****

In the meantime, I highly recommend that you check out this page

In the link above, you'll find a f-ree report from Amit where he
reveals the top 5 mistakes that affiliate ppc marketers make, and
also you'll see a very inspiring video further down the page.

The video shows how one of Amit's students makes over 30k a month
by following Amit's methods. If that isn't inspiration, I don't
know what is.

Here it is again, enjoy and don't forget to set your alarm to
remind yourself about the live teleseminar!





Kind Regards,

Traffic Travis Team

PS: Become a fan of Traffic Travis on Facebook:

Affilorama Group Limited, PO Box 2486, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Banners for you + $245 commissions

1) Hey - Wanted to get these 3 banners to ya.

Get them here:

There's only 3 for now, more coming real soon.

Feel free to use them on your blog, sites, Squidoo lenses,

Okay?...and hey!

Forex Miracle sales are boomin' baby!


Your affiliate link is going to look like:

Remember to change YOURID to your assigned
Clickbank nickname.


We're releasing a new site...

And affiliates will be able to
promote it soon...

As an affiliate, you can earn a
maximum of $245 (to you) off of
each customer you send.

We have 2 backend sales!

This will be the most profitable,
to promote, clickbank site EVER!

What's more:

I've done all the work for you...

I've written a whole series of
emails that build up your list to
a launch day.

I've got banners, in almost any

But what's even more spectacular...

Is the video, at the very top of
this site.

Stay tuned... I'll be emailing you
all the details shortly.

best regards,
Kevin Nguyen and John Truong
Cracking Online Wealth Code






This message was sent by: HL Direct Marketing, 202 Bukit Batok Street 21 #17-98, Singapore, Singapore 650202, Singapore

Powered by iContact:

Manage your subscription:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

adsdsf, Please do not be fooled

Hi adsdsf,

I wrote yesterday to tell you about the incredible
deal you can get on The Great successful People
Package, as my way of celebrating its' first birthday
and for you being on my list.
Friends said I wouldn't sell any because "nobody is
buying stuff".
Well, Frank Kern (a mega Internet Guru) launched
his latest offering yesterday for $2000 and made
over $4m! (I make that 2000 copies sold).
So how did The Great Successful People Birthday
launch go?

102 (and counting) of your fellow progressive
CHARGE of their lives when they claimed
their copies of The Great Successful People

So why did these 102 people ignore my friends,
maybe even their own friends? Why did they decide
to step up and put The Great Successful People
Package to work in their lives?

Because learning from other successful people's
mistakes and successes is the fastest way to become
successful yourself.

Not just for "gurus" or "entrepreneurs" but for "regular"
people as well.

So I'd like to invite you to become a Great Successful
People owner right now...there is no better time...

Join the ranks of ordinary individuals who are committed
to creating a better, successful life.

Join the ranks of ordinary individuals who REFUSE to
listen to negativity...
and who are committed to THRIVING even in these
so-called difficult times.

Until 20 Feb, you can grab the Great Successful
People Package for half off...right here:

Plus I've added a brand new bonus...there are now 4 - almost
worth $2000.00.
Plus do not forget the 60-day money back guarantee.

To your success,
P.S. This special half off sale ends on 20 Feb..get yours

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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Affiliate, I Thought You Should See This Again...


Latest 2009 Restaurant Management Videos Released

Hi Affiliate,

It’s Andreas Breitfuss here from the Restaurant Management Center.

Did you know that nearly 8% of restaurant and food related businesses went out of business last year. The prediction was 9% so it is better than expected… or is it?

In October last year we launched the Restaurant Management Video series, this series of over 13 videos shows you the step by step process on how to recession proof your business. We have just updated the videos to the 2009 version, so click on the link on the right to claim your copy of the latest “recession buster” program designed for the restaurant and café industry.

You will have to hurry to claim your 2009 restaurant management video set as we only have a limited number of the 2009 versions available. Click on the following button NOW…

To your restaurant success.

Andreas Breitfuss - CEO
Restaurant Management Center


© 2009 Restaurant Management Center
Head Office: Suite 200/353 King St Newtown NSW 2042 Australia
Tel: +61 7 31024795  USA Tel: +1 303 586 1659


Restaurant Management Center
Suite 200/353 King St, Newtown, NSW,2042, Australia

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Copy this internet millionaire's secret strategy

Hey Affiliate, I just got back from a short family vacation
with my wife and daughter to her grandparents home in Florida and
returned home late last night.

While I was gone, I got an email from an internet marketer that
is a bit of an "underground" marketer, earning over 1 million bucks
online each year, yet not many have a clue how he does it.

I know, because I've watched his business get bigger and bigger
every year, and met him at an offline event in San Fransisco last

To be honest, his "secret" really isn't that difficult for others
to mirror, and that's why I wanted to tell you about this new
course he just released to teach people this strategy that not
very many people online do... at all. I only know of a couple.

And because I know him, I asked him if he could give you a nice
discount off of what was already a stupidly low price to begin with.

For only a few bucks, you get access to this self-made internet
millionaire's secret strategy responsible for the majority of his
online success. The strategy that's allowed him to bring in a
weekly paycheck of over 300,000 bucks!

Anyway, go here to get the 42% discount I managed to get for you:

You can read about exactly what his strategy is, and how inexpensive
it is, especially with the big discount I was able to get.


But, please make sure you go there now. To be fair to him, he
cannot leave this special discount link up for long.


Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
Go here to get the 42% discount:

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, February 16, 2009

adsdsf, One year Old

Hi adsdsf,
The Great Successful People Package is one year
old this month...and to celebrate as you are on my can now grab your personal copy for half off.

Plus I've added an extra bonus, so now there
are four bonuses - worth almost $2000.00.

Go right here now and claim your copy before
it's too late:

To your success,
P.S. This sales ends on 20 Feb so if you want
to save 50% then go here now:

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PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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Affiliate, Latest 2009 Restaurant Videos Released


Latest 2009 Restaurant Management Videos Released

Hi Affiliate,

It’s Andreas Breitfuss here from the Restaurant Management Center.

Did you know that nearly 8% of restaurant and food related businesses went out of business last year. The prediction was 9% so it is better than expected… or is it?

In October last year we launched the Restaurant Management Video series, this series of over 13 videos shows you the step by step process on how to recession proof your business. We have just updated the videos to the 2009 version, so click on the link on the right to claim your copy of the latest “recession buster” program designed for the restaurant and café industry.

You will have to hurry to claim your 2009 restaurant management video set as we only have a limited number of the 2009 versions available. Click on the following button NOW…

To your restaurant success.

Andreas Breitfuss - CEO
Restaurant Management Center


© 2009 Restaurant Management Center
Head Office: Suite 200/353 King St Newtown NSW 2042 Australia
Tel: +61 7 31024795  USA Tel: +1 303 586 1659


Restaurant Management Center
Suite 200/353 King St, Newtown, NSW,2042, Australia

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

adsdsf, The Lucky B

Hi adsdsf,
A few months ago Adam Wong gave 
me a draft copy of his latest book to

This was my feedback:

Here I am on a two hour train journey about
to start reading Lucky Bastard! - another
bloody Internet Marketing book.
100th thousand one! Well that's what it feels

I start to read chapter one. Adam has me
His story is awesome and cool! I
want to be him! I get to Chapter 6, after
writing pages of notes (and this is by me,
someone who has been on-line for 2 years
and thought I knew everything!).

I want to read more but my train journey is
about to end. "Train, please break down",
so I can just sit here and read the rest
of this amazing book.
I don't want the
train journey to end.

I've been on-line for 2 years now. I've
purchased numerous Internet Marketing
books and courses by world famous Internet
Marketers - costing me $thousands by
they way. Not one has mentioned Adam's
simple and easy way to finding a profitable
market niche. Not one!

I now have two new free tools to use to boost
my internet income even higher. Lucky Bastard!
is not just theory, Adam details the tools to use
with example sites to explore. He is not just
a lucky bastard, he is a clever Internet
Marketer and you should stand up and

I know Internet Marketers who charge
$2,000 a month to tell you the same stuff
what Adam has included in his book, Lucky

If you want to read a little more and grab the
first chapter for free just click here:
To your success,


Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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SaleHoo Newsletter - Feb. 12, 2009

Hi Affiliate

If you've ever been knocked back drop shipping on eBay, then we've
got just the thing: The eBay Drop Shipping Cheat Sheet!

In this special guide, we answer all your most urgent questions:

* Is it actually possible to operate a viable eBay drop shipping
* What products can be drop shipped on eBay?
* How to select the best drop shipper for eBay
* How do you avoid shipping delays?

Find it here:

We've also got some other goodies in the blog for you this week:

* Our Auction Expert looks at how to provide warranties for
electronics imported from China.
* Another hot niche idea: Wholesale gifts
* And part 2 of our coverage on how to uncover the best selling
items on eBay.

Also look out for our expose of the best and cheapest ecommerce
store options in tomorrow's blog post!

Can't wait to read your comments and feedback!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager
SaleHoo Group Limited

PS: Become a fan of SaleHoo on Facebook:

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, February 9, 2009

(GM) adsdsf, Need A World Champion By Your Side?

Hi adsdsf,

Just wanted to let you know that if you seriously need to brush up
on your Public Speaking skills (and you should because it's a skill
that all business leaders and career high-flyers have), then check
 You get to hear over 4.5 hours worth of amazing and fascinating
material from none other that the World Champion Of Public Speaking,
Darren La Croix.

With the World Champion by your side, you will go from novice to
expert Public Speaker in minutes. But don't just take my word for

Here's What Hubert Had To Say:

"Darren, I can't wait to share this with you!!!!! After I ordered
your products, I've listen to those audio programs more than twenty
times each... After the contest, one of the audience came to me and
said; 'I saw your improvement and you are totally different!!!' and
I said 'Stage time, stage time, stage time...' while he is laughing.

I do get a priceless lesson from you. I am not only become more
confident but also more willing to try new stuff (Dry jokes,
exaggeration gestures, comic voices, and etc.) Thanks a lot,
Darren; I am glad I am on the way of learning with you!!!"

Best Regards, Hubert (Taiwan)
Anybody who follows this step-by-step multi-media course and puts
the information into use will never have to worry about Public
Speaking again. Period.

With a 60-day money back guarantee, you have no risk and every
reason to test the program out and judge for yourself.

To Your Success,


PS. many have said this is one of the best products they have
seen this year - just take a look and you can see why:

Get Applause course
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PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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Friday, February 6, 2009

adsdsf, Preparing For A Job Interview


Want to learn the secrets of preparing for a job
interview, so you can become the best candidate
for the job?

When preparing for a job interview, you have to
know how to present yourself well. You have to
show your skills and confidence in such a way
your employers won't doubt your abilities for a

You have to show them your full potential. You
need to sell yourself - in a complete package
with all the perks included - to that person
sitting at the other end of the table. But
honestly, how are you going to do all of that?

Find out how - right here:

To Your Success,

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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this list unless you no longer want to
receive updates about 'self-help'
(You'll miss out on a lot!)

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

SEO, fresh SEO video tutorials for you – Link-Assistant.Com


We've just uploaded the fresh video guides to our site and are giving you a note.

Last month we started a series of videos on how to maximize your site's SEO-generated profits with the help of our software. The first one we launched was on onpage optimization and WebSite Auditor. We asked our group of insiders to glance at it and tell us what they think, and the response was great and truly inspiring!

So we went further to fill in the gaps in what most people know about growing rankings the fastest and easiest way possible, and produced two more videos that we seriously urge you to check.

These two explain the most effective ways to use our rankings checking tool Rank Tracker and backlink analyzer SEO SpyGlass, point out what's particularly cool about their hardly-break-a-sweat tactics and direct you in the ever-growing mass of ranking-boosting features the tools include.

Even if you're already successfully promoting your website, there's a huge chance you'll discover some new tricks you might apply. So take a minute to check out the fresh clips: here's the SEO SpyGlass guide and the Rank Tracker video.

Link-Assistant.Com Team
Contact us:

P.S. In case you need to download the tools, on our site you will find the latest versions of SEO SpyGlass and Rank Tracker on our site. And as ever, we're itching to hear what you think. So jump in and get in touch!

P.P.S. If you don't have licenses for the tools yet, today you can get them in a bundle and save $37.

., Odoevskogo str., 65/5, Minsk, BY 220000, BELARUS

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SaleHoo Newsletter - Feb. 4, 2009

Hi Affiliate

Last week we offered a membership to the person who posted the
most interesting comment on the SaleHoo blog posts. Today I'm
thrilled to announce that the lucky winner is... (drum roll) Janet
with her comment on Uncovered: The shocking truth about counterfeit
goods! Congratulations Janet! Please email us at to claim your fantastic lifetime
membership to SaleHoo.

On to more good news: If you're new to selling on eBay, or just
need a dose of motivation because it's February already, then
you'll LOVE our blog posts this week. We've covered market
research, a hot sourcing strategy and a great place to sell! If
that doesn't kick start your business, then I don't know what will.

- How to find the best selling eBay items: We show you the fastest
way to find out whether an item will be profitable on eBay!

- Liquidation: The sourcing strategy other sellers don't want you
to know about!

- If you have 'had it up to here' with eBay, check out our review
of Atomic Mall. This rising star not only treats sellers well but
is pulling in the customers at super-sonic speed. Could this be the
PERFECT place to sell?

- Feeling confused about eBay's attitude to drop shipping? We've
poked around the murky depths of eBay's policies to discover what
they think about drop shipping and the rules you need to follow to
avoid suspension.

As you know, we love hearing your thoughts, feelings, successes and
gripes (yes, even those!), so please give us all something extra to
chew over by throwing your delightful comment into the mix.

Have a great week!

Kind Regards,

Jimmy Huber
eBay Powerseller & Community Manager
SaleHoo Group Limited

PS: Become a fan of SaleHoo on Facebook:

8721 Santa Monica Blvd #1099, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

adsdsf, 7 Time-Saving Productivity Tools

Hi adsdsf,
The Time Management expert, Roger Constandse recently
submitted a posting on my website and I thought you would
like to know...we all want to create more are 7
time-saving productivity tools (some free):

To your success,

Head Office
PO BOX 647
london SW19
United Kingdom
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reminder: Get new, Free, Google Adwords keyword research tool today!

Hey Affiliate, I sent you an email yesterday about our brand
new, free, Adwords analysis and spy tool.

There are close to 45,000 users that now have the tool and it's
growing by the minute. We've gotten more positive feedback from
users about this tool than any other we've ever created.

If, for some strange reason, you didn't get my email yesterday,
here is the download link for the new, free Adwords research


It's definitely not some re-hashed software that you've seen
from others in the past. The way this tool works is, 100%
unlike anything you've ever seen or used... that I can

Anyway, I strongly urge you to take a few minutes and get the
tool asap. Here's the link again:


We also have a member's forum within the user area once you create
an account, so be sure to stop by and say hey. I'd love to hear
from you!

Hope you're having a nice Tuesday. It's snowing like crazy here
in Indiana right now :-)

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Here's the link where you can get our new Adwords analysis tool:

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our new keyword research software! Get it for free today.

Hey Affiliate, I know today's Monday and Monday's typically
aren't the most exciting days in the world... so, I wanted to make
Monday a little more exciting for you.

We've just recently finished a brand new keyword research tool
that's taken us 8 months to create. The standard version of the tool
is free to download.

We've been getting more fantastic feedback about this tool than
with any of our other products we created to date.

You can see exactly what this revolutionary new keyword tool can do
by visiting here:


I won't go into detail about what it does in this email, so just
visit the link above and you can read about it, and download a copy.

I will say that the tool is is extremely unique and extremely

Be sure to go there now and download a free copy this morning.

Enjoy! And I hope your Monday is maybe a little better now :-)

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Download a free copy of our brand new keyword research tool

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Affiliate, Did You See The 2nd Generation Restaurant Tools


New Generation Restaurant
Management Toolkits 2.0
Just Launched...

Hi Affiliate,

As you have seen from my previous emails last week, we have launched our NEW generation restaurant management toolkits 2.0.

Since the launch I have had numerous customers ask me what's the difference between our other toolkits like the "Restaurant Management Toolkit" and "Restaurant Marketing Ideas". Well... the answer is that the new 2.0 toolkits are more specific to the individual needs of different owners and managers and secondly they now come with video content.

The video content is probably the best addition to ensure that the tools you will be using are going to be utilized in the best possible way to get results for your restaurant or cafe. The videos alone cost more than the tools you purchase in the toolkits themselves.

So... if you haven't claimed your toolkit 2.0 yet then click on the button below or on the links on the right hand side to read more about the 2.0 restaurant toolkits.

To your restaurant success.

Andreas Breitfuss - CEO
Restaurant Management Center

© 2009 Restaurant Management Center
Head Office: Suite 200/353 King St Newtown NSW 2042 Australia
Tel: +61 7 31024795  USA Tel: +1 303 586 1659


Restaurant Management Center
Suite 200/353 King St, Newtown, NSW,2042, Australia

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.