Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SEO, here's the only SEO tool tuning you so close to Google's algos


Today's news transforms your optimization possibilities and gives you the deepest insight into your site's weaks and strongs!

While your competitors are preparing to summertime's usual decline of web traffic and online sales, you're about to get your hands on the renewed and enriched tool that wins you new client flows and secures top sales-generating search engine positions.

Today SEO PowerSuite's onpage optimization tool WebSite Auditor makes the first step towards the huge update that's going to make it a one-of-a-kind website optimizer. The new developments are already there, so you can restart your WebSite Auditor to let it auto-update, and read on in the meanwhile to check what exactly is new.

While WebSite Auditor's nature becomes more powerful and intuitive, its mission remains the same. This tool is still your simple-to-use (and smart as hell) on-page optimizer. It runs full-out competition research and then offers you an easy-to-follow blueprint with niche-targeted info, advice and direction that stands behind a website's conversion into an Internet market-dominating machine.

So, here's what changed this time:
  • Calculations revised, fine-tuned, tested, twisted and brought up-to-date so you get the objective fresh look at your site's content, through the eyes of your favorite search engine.

  • Word forms included into keyword stats (now you've got plural forms, possessive case, verb tenses etc.) so you can optimize for all possible variations. With this change WebSite Auditor becomes the only tool offering tune-up so close to the current Google algos

  • Now, along with your chosen keyphrase, you get a detailed dropdown on all words building up the phrase - which lets you both, avoid over-optimization, and add more rank-pushing keywords to your page without triggering the reader's "mental spam filter"
And what is even better: this is just the iceberg tip of the massive WebSite Auditor's change that's rolling out in just a couple of weeks. Today the tool is getting your site ready for the next step. Next time it's bringing you a complete site profile, empowering you with deep to the core competition research and optimization insights yet unseen in SEO tools.

And if you order today's SEO PowerSuite with the fresh WebSite Auditor inside, you're getting the next colossal update at no extra charge.

So jump over here, grab your SEO PowerSuite, check the new powers of WebSite Auditor and get ready for the change.

Link-Assistant.Com Team

P.S. This update is really substantial and needs some old WebSite Auditor files changed. Therefore if you first installed the tool over a year ago, you may need to rebuild your projects and create new report templates to see the changes.

P.P.S. Order SEO PowerSuite now and be the first to get the next huge update at no extra charge.


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