Monday, February 15, 2010

6 figures in 2010?

Hey Affiliate, so 2010 has begun. If you're living in the US,
there's a really good chance it's snowed where you're at. I heard
that something like 48 of 50 states got snow in the past 3 weeks.

Anyway, as 2010 has kicked off, I wanted to give you every chance
possible to get you making 6 figures this year. Enough to quit
your day job and live comfortably.

So, I thought to myself, "What's the easiest way for anyone to start
making money online?"

And the conclusion I came to was knowing how to effectively use,
what's called PLR (Private Label Rights) products.

There are thousands upon thousands of people making a full-time
living online with the use or PLR products. Just look at any
popular online marketing forum and you'll know just how "hot"
PLR material has been for the past 4 years.

What I've done is I've written a BIG 'ole course on how I, and our
most successful PLR students are earning a full-time living solely
from PLR material.

... and I'm close to just giving it away for free.

The reason it's "close" and not "entirely" free is because I've
learned over the years that when something is free, the chances of
actually reading and using the material is slim in none. Atleast,
for me that's the way it is.

I have hundreds of free courses at home that I've not touched,
basically because I got them for free.

Now, anything I've paid for, whether it's only a couple bucks, I've
read and used.

Ok, back to the topic at hand. This brand new course will teach
you exactly how to take PLR material and increase your online
business fast. It's no fluff, straight to the point stuff, that
even if you have no interest in PLR material, you'll STILL learn
quite a bit of things to take your existing business to the next

Like I said above, I'm making this course almost free. It's so cheap,
you could literally pay with quarters and nobody would notice! :-)

Grab a copy here before we pull the offer down:


I hope you choose to make 2010 your best year yet!

Talk to you soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Get the full course for almost free here:

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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