Time and time again I see people putting incredibly average photos
up on eBay - and time and time again I see them disappointed with
the results.
The fact is when your potential customer is scrolling quickly
through the thousands of ebay listings - they're probably looking
at the images first. And you know the old saying about first
Check out the new SaleHoo blog post on How to take fantastic photos
for eBay (and get your listings noticed!) right here:
==> http://www.salehoo.com/redirect/take-great-photos
What's more you don't have to have the latest Nikon Digital SLR with
studio lighting - you'd be surprised what great shots you can take
with just a normal camera and a couple of these great tips!
==In other news==
We received some really interesting feedback from our review of
Simplx - and it's safe to say that people weren't a fan.
So in another well researched review, we'll take a look at
So how do they measure up?
There's only one way to find out...
Check out our review at
==> http://www.salehoo.com/redirect/shopster-review
And don't forget to subscribe to our blog at
==> http://www.salehoo.com/redirect/salehoo-blog-subscribe
Talk soon!
Kind Regards,
Marc Ransom
Community Manager
SaleHoo Group Limited
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