Tuesday, July 21, 2009

adsdsf, free nlp interviews

Hi adsdsf, 
If you are into NLP...you may want to grab these 5 free
interviews with the likes of:

Dr. Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP)

Gabriel Guerrero - Therepeutic Wizard

John La Valle - Persuasion Engineer Extraordinaire

Dr Joseph Riggio PhD - Architect of the MythoSelf® Process

Michael Neill - Success Coach To Celebrities

Now I am into NLP big time and I stumbled across these
interviews, downloaded them and listened to them this
You do have to sign up for them...but they are free.

So check it out, it's up to you, here's the link:

Modeling the Masters

To your success,
PS Grab all 5 free nlp interviews here:

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