Monday, March 16, 2009

How I recently built a 55,000 person optin email list in 2 weeks & how you can too!

Hey Affiliate, I hope you're having a nice Monday. The
weather's great here in Indiana today. Very nice, for a change :-)

Anyway, the reason for this email is to share with you how I built
a 55,000 people optin email list in only 2 weeks... and how you can
use the same strategy to build your own email list.

It's something I did by complete accident, so wasn't really a
strategy at the time, but is something you can "rinse and repeat",
and actually use as a type of strategy.

Hint: It involves Twitter. And it's something I don't see anyone
else doing.

If you don't know what Twitter is, Google it, and you'll see that
it's become one of the, if not the single most important Web 2.0
medium in the world.

Let me give you a quick example of just how powerful Twitter can
be, and how much business it can drum up for you. This story is
going to "knock your socks off" and I've not told many about it
until now.

A few months ago, we released a new tool called PPC Web Spy.

Before we released the tool publicly (i.e. before I told a single
sole the actual web address for the website) I posted a very
simple demo video showing what the tool does, onto my Twitter
profile page, so that those following me could see just what I'd
been working on the past few months.

In the video, I ONLY showed what the tool did and showed how
excited I was about it. It was basically just a video that I
wanted to show my friends before I released it publicly.

I didn't mention the URL of the website and even mentioned that
it wasn't really ready to sell yet. So, there was no direct way
of knowing how to get the tool.

At the time, I had roughly 1,500 followers on Twitter. A decent
amount, but not an extremely high amount...

Ok, now, guess what happened after I posted 1 small "tweet" with the
link to this demo video?

1. Some of my 1,500 followers watched the video

2. Some of those people "retweeted" the message (i.e. reposted the
link to the video onto their own Twitter pages) allowing their
followers to see the video.

3. People started going to Google and looking up the name of the
tool in order to find the website. They would go to Google and
type in "PPC Web Spy" and up would pop the website, where users
could actual purchase the tool. We were putting minor tweaks into
the product, but it was pretty much ready and was available to buy.

4. This cycle continued and grew and grew and within 2 weeks, I
built an optin email list of over 55,000 people!

Yes, that's right, 55,000 people signed up and downloaded a free
copy of PPC Web Spy! These are 55,000 people that I can now build
long term relationships with for many years to come.

... and this was 100% done by 1 single twitter post!

I hope this all makes sense, because I know of no other single, free
medium where you could make 1, (140 character) post and turn that
into a 55,000 people email list in 2 weeks! Do you?

With that said, I strongly, strongly urge you to:

1. Follow me on twitter here, so I can share many many more tips
like this with you:


If you don't have a Twitter account, click the link above, and then
create one. Then start "tweeting" asap. Do what I did and you'll
soon have a much bigger email list.

I can promise you that, if you do things right, it will most
definitely help you grow your online business.

So, again, go here and follow me on Twitter so I can share more
valuable info like this with you. You'll also be able to see
pictures, videos, etc. of me and my family, and can keep up to date
with the various things I'm up to (if you care)


Have a fantastic week!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Follow me on Twitter here:

Bryxen Software, Inc.
2159 Glebe Street, Suite 270, Carmel, IN 46032

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